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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. Kfx 700 i happen to have 1 for sale if your interested and yes it is an automatic has a pipe intake and jetted, sounds like a car when it runs lol real cool ps.. yes i am a whore lol Capt
  2. when i seen the camera crew (a few times over the weekend) i seen them in the buggy....NO SEAT BELT!!! climbing in and out at comp. the guy was hanging out the window of the truck and the rail so surely that wasnt safe and on top of that it was a LEO driving wtf is with that friggin do as i say not as i do attitude? k i am done Capt
  3. I say and its my Oppinion of course.... A Raptor 700 would fit you nice and plenty of upgrading to carry you and get the speed and torque you are after. should be a nice fit for you. if you see me out there you can borrow mine for a ride up the hill if ya want to feel how they ride. 450's are fast also (haha Aaron and Danny) but the ride are stiff compared to mine with stock shocks on both kinds. Capt
  4. Its kinda like a SOBE without the SOBE friggin bro-inlaws Capt
  5. Blame yourself!! IF the guy wasnt such a D!C% then would OWN up and face the music. NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THE a$$ THAT DID IT!!! He is an adult.. no one to blame but him exactly!! Capt
  6. actually last weekend i thought i felt it slipping... thought i was paranoid ... lol but also that ride was a hard 1.. Im sore Capt
  7. when did this happen? fri or sat night? I sen a guy walking out of the flats on sat night we were wondering why he was walking. Might not have anythtng to do with i. Prayers go out to the family and I hope they find this guy and fry him for leaving. I didnt know he was from our camp. sry .... sad sad story Capt
  8. WTF you mean no one knows this fool? Someone loaned the rail out...find the rail owner and start with him and a lawyer and i bet he starts talkin f'n idiot. How can someone take a rail for a spin and no one knows him? come on now... sue the owner and go from there.. SOMEONE NEEDS TO PAY FOR THIS!!! Capt
  9. yes your bike ran AWESOME man i need a stroker lol fri night my bike ran good but sat the cluch finally slipped up and didnt do as well, thought was the cold weather but found the clutch crapped out on me....2nd weekend with it Danny did very well, his bike is fast also... man o man what a race Aaron your bike looks good also stands out (as it should lol) Capt
  10. Had a GREAT weekend!! Barefoot Bob and his wife are GREAT People!! Think they are going to be great friends to my wife and I. Kids never slowed down rode, fought, cried and jumped (in the bounce house). Observations left work at 1 pm thurs and made it to Dumont at 9pm (anything and everything went wrong) made it tho!! Barefoot Bob needs shovels for hands and feet ( would help in the sand when you get stuck for 2 hrs by yourself) 2 hrs after that finally got everything and everyone to camp lol 11:30 pm thurs. HaHAHAH what a way to meet Camp was huge (i'd say 5 acres...no joke) we sent smoke signals to the otherside of camp to communicate Bike Ran good but those damn clutches burn fast lol (2nd trip) Danny's fun to talk to and his bike is great!!! Aaron ...well ... friggin awesome man Bike is super fast with what ya did nice seeing and talkin to ya Beers were handed out and i PAID ALL IN FULL(i think) 60 mph on banshee hill is awesome Dust SUCKS!! Brefoot Bob and Michelle Great Peeps!!! Comp hill + fri or sat Night + = really ignorant PEOPLE Fast dune rides = dirty shorts Pete sure knows how to to a quick 180 degree turn when he looses a wheel wheels roll far when rail seperates ( thank god no one was hurt) changing DuneFreaks name to GRAVEDIGGER aka 6 feet under Guy with nice rail doesnt mean he can drive!!! Bobs rail is AWESOME More to come later lol Capt
  11. Very much ON TOPIC!! this is what i am using to get me partial way!!! Quad or buggy the rest of the way Capt
  12. Me 2 :freakin_nuts: meet ya there here I am
  13. Nice JOB Aaron hope everything is great when it starts up..see you out there. (all my beer and booze is stocked up) i am almost ready to go. Capt
  14. thinks its going to be about 10 ish am sat. Ill bring 1 for you also then might have to srive the truck lol and forget the quad....whats more important ... beer or quad lol Capt
  15. I dont Care who you are....thats alotta beer Heineken's? will be up and runnin by tomorrow!! Capt
  16. sell it!! Buy a 700r and call it a day Thus it begins again guys going to the dyno for sure now. will let ya know what it does. Aaron, Danny and ANYONE ELSE xcept DAN ...... Ill be ready (but dont think ill have my swing arm) for you on Sat. Bike ran so bad this last weekend i couldnt play with gears...so I will try on fri. Unless Dan ..... ..... .... you feel LUCKY hey Aaron and Danny i owe you some drinks BTW :beer_bang: WELLLLLLL HMMMMMMMMM ANYONE?? good times fo sho !!! Capt
  17. My mother inlaw has a minnie york and she is on her 2nd surgery. she only weighs 5 lbs. yes very common Capt
  18. I bought my Halloween pass today so i will not have to wait in line or hassle with it later. I am into theese passes for $60.00 as of now so i should be close to $ 80 or $100 by the time its worked out. Capt
  19. Paul Evert in in fresno http://rvcountry.com/Locations/tabid/10182/Default.aspx you will have to follow him to state line to take delivery if you want to skip taxes. If you pay cali taxes there then you can take delivery at his store. Had the best price we could find when we ordered our 3712 5er. watch out for the sideing where it goes from fiberglass to metal ours is rippled and less than a yr old. Next problem is the warranty work.. hard to find ppl here if you keep it here to work on it. Good Luck Capt
  20. is that Mike? I have bought stuff from him (great guy). Aaron is that your kid? Cute.. Try again this week for my map,.. Still dont have 1 and it ran like Crap this weekend popping and kicking all over but had fun anyways. See you and Danny out there. Looking forward to the hill runs. Capt
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