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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. right now i am out!! wife was hurt last week when her brother decided to turn in front of her without looking in 3rd gear. so unless she is feeling better we are out. for sure next week and halloweenie. Capt
  2. Well Bob when we met we agreed YOU WOULDNT SAY ANYTHING!! sense we havnt met DDR style yet then .......Takes 1 to know 1 and BTW your older than em anyway Whos Lawence Welk friend of yours? :beer_bang: and whats wrong with POLKA? I didnt complain about your nerdy Rapper music or the bling bling wheels on your rail did I? you closet Celine Dion FAN Capt
  3. EFI Live.. best 1 made for any d-max of course you already knew that :beer_bang: Capt
  4. I just listen to the voices in my HEAD :beer_bang: . Makes for good conversation :beer_bang: capt
  5. hahaha dont put this on me excuses ...excuses I told you if you would just slow down in that shiny rail you might have seen me Just J/K Bob ... ... next time im going to come over to your camp at 3 am and beat your door and say HI BOB!!! :worthless_without_pics: Capt
  6. bob that was metal alien with the charger on his. lol you are very observant...but you didnt see me out there huh? :worthless_without_pics: Capt
  7. yep... good to see you again and metal alien. you guys are great!!! the tow wan fun also cant wait for next time out!! see ya again it was fun hangin out and gettin ran over by that bolt on NOS CApt
  8. thats pretty fast for bolt on's ... my wife has the bolt on's also and she is no where near 53 on the hill. i was told to see dustin or dusty? he is supposed to be real good. kirk or kurt did my last tune before my cam install. nice fuel curve maybe i need to see dustin(dusty?) trying to get mine dropped off tomorrow so i can get it there and give them time to play with it..we will see what it does. thanks Danny Capt
  9. if hes asking to work lol maybe you need to check his head for a big bump i am always looking the other way lol Capt
  10. my family and i are going (atleast that is the plan) should be there by 7pm i think Capt
  11. hahaha looks like a swap meet sad i missed it bob you really get around lol Capt
  12. easy power adders for hp and torque with a duramax you are able to go from say 300hp to 500 hp just with a program (same for fords and dodgespretty much) gassers are not as easy to produce hp gains. easy to control egt's in a diesel, mileage towing and not, ability to smoke them out with a great smoke tune like stated above huge hp and huge torque (once you drive a diesel you wont go back to a gasser) Capt
  13. what gearing did you run on that raptor and what bolt-ons. that thing was real fast. what hp is it running and last question is it dyno tuned or where did you get the map? 53 is fast for bolt ons.....no internal work? Capt
  14. sorry to hear this bob. glad he is ok and he will recover.... now he has bragging rights!!! just tell him no more bragging after this Capt
  15. finding my lost son being with the family at the dunes meeting new faces out at the dunes getting away from work Capt
  16. yeah yeah.... isnt it hard to see me waving at 80mph? lol i dont think you look around when you drive (at least i hope not) i was a big yellow beacon of hope in the desert and you missed me?? Capt
  17. I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2 on that mister!!! MUHAHHAHAHHAH PAGE 2 Capt
  18. Just remember this, if you get hurt out their, after calling out for your "mommy" you will be calling out for a ranger/emt. Your $20.00 helps keep them out there so they can respond quickly and get you the help you need. Ask barefoot bob how they helped with his son and the lost boy. <<<<<<<<<<< MINE Maybe you could buy a pass at a local vendor in the future in town and not have to worry about the whole issue, maybe you could have gone to vendors row after you came in and got a pass. Or maybe you could beat the system how you do that is my concern because I want to see them there and if me or my family is injured I want to look at someone who is trying to save their patient who is lying in the sand. I for one will gladly pay for that possible situation and I believe we should sleep in our rigs knowing they have your back. it was my son that was mis placed rangers were great and drove around looking for him also. we found the ranger and offered him a steak i just cooked and he had already eatin. went over to the camp and dropped a steak off for them to share (all i had left) and thanked then for the help. 20 bucks or 130 is cheap for a season of service IMO!!! would gladly pay more if needed (dont tell them) Capt
  19. glad there are good peeps out there also!!! i was thinking what if someone took him home with them..........they have no idea what they were in for lol he would have tore them up Glad i can laugh about it now but still makes me sick to stomach at what coulda been!! Capt
  20. no i missed the meet and greet lol went to the wrong pole not sure where the south pole is, never been there . seen you drive by a few times and you didnt wave lol. i knew you have a green buggy just didnt want to run up on the wrong guy. next time i will know and when i looked for you at the finger i wasnt sure what you were driving and staying in. i need someone to park with when we are alone (kids and wife). bigger weekends i have my sis and bro in-law so i have some campers and some peeps to talk to when not rideing. raptor wasnt ready as it should have been, its been there for like 2 months got it last minute and i mean last minute (7pm fri night) ran alright for most races but not good enough for sand _yfz and danny. hope to be 100% by halloween fun racing with them even tho i ate shiat everytime right now i say yfz's rule (except for banshees). next time will be different family had fun (except my son going for a night ride by himself at 6 yrs old). didnt get to see pete at all. hope we can have a meet and greet at the hill or maybe comp next time. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE SHOW ME WHERE THE FRIGGIN SOUTH POLE IS? 2pm north pole doesnt do it Capt
  21. CONGRATS!!! sry its a FORD!! J/K nice truck 450 huh wow thats a heavy hauler! Capt
  22. look forward to both man you guys are typing fast tonight i can hardly keep up lol Capt
  23. if it makes all you feel better i bought mine on the way out also.... wasnt trying to beat anyone out of anything.. i just stop and pay on the way out if no one is standing there to collect when i pull in, thats what i have always done before i bought the yearly pass. Capt
  24. Glad your not upset then... Come halloween weekend i am out of excuses i have time now to dyno it and get it running better was popping a little on decel and slugish of the line so a couple weeks away and should be 100% and then. i owe you and Danny a drink so dont forget to collect when you see me. My wife makes some awesome mixed whipped in the blender Vodka something or another Nice to have some guys that are fast and it feels good to get whipped now and again. deffinately makes me wanna race you again and see that bike run. 60 mph wow thats nice best ive seen was 55 so far and with the little changes my builder made it should do better than the 55 previously(i hope lol) if not i am in big trouble with you 2. i grabbed a big 10lb rock of the hill that morning and drove it down to the bottom and dropped it.. i didnt want to anyone to hit it. Capt
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