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Everything posted by CaptNkllm
thanks again to all Capt
i run that hill with about 16,000 lbs and i usually do 45 to 55 depending on time of year(egt's) usually average to dumont and back 11.5 mpg approx. get guages ( egt's,boost) so you dont melt your motor. took my about 30 gal there and back this time(wow) usually can do it with 20gal. Capt
worked great!!! after i fugured out how to clear the box and have it auto load. found the sat and watched it all weekend(well the kids did) thank god for disney channell lol Capt
my daughter whos 11 yrs old has 1 and it rides great. my daughter wants a rhino so it is also for sale and will be out on halloween. she is able to follow through the smaller dunes without to mush problem. banshe hill- goes about half way up (without paddles) comp hil 1/4 way up. but good for flat and smaller dunes.. rides very comfy.. hers is an 06 also. Capt
If you read my other post...just wanted to say thanks. IF you didnt read my post. then here it is again(little different) sat late afternoon i left camp to run the hills. My son stayed behind to play around camp. After i left he decided to join me at the hill (hes 6). I came back after dark to cook dinner for everyone and asked my wife where my son was so he could show my wife the new lighted whip i bought for him (just installed it on his eton 150. Yellow color led lights) she says ...I thought he was with you and i havnt seen him for awhile. Then we start the search. I rode out to comp hill looking for his yellow whip and didnt see anything anywhere so i headed back to the camp. Sent my wife to the rangers station, my Bro inlaw to ride around and my daughter and sis-inlaw from camp to camp that were close. I stoped 1 ranger and notified him of his size quad and what not. drove all over thinking maybe he went for a dune ride in the smaller dunes by himself and maybe have gotten stuck (and getting a little cold out). 45 min later my Bro-inlaw found him. Some campers seen him driving around for about an hour so they stopped him and asked if he was lost. They loaded him up and drove him around looking for us ... didnt find us so they parked his bike infront of the camp with his whip on so someone would beable to spot it. if you were 1 of the many people that my wife ran into and helped look for him a big THANK YOU from us to you. Many possibilities of the outcome and all ended up well. Just wanted to thank everyone for the help and if the situation was reverse you could count on me for help!! Tore us up pretty bad and had us very scared. thanks again. Capt
we had a great time also...except for my son dissapearing on sat night for about 2 hrs (hes 6)(at dark) he took off looking for me and my wife thought he was with me notified rangers and ran from camp to camp looking for him and finally found him. he was with some campers from california THANK YOU!! they said he was driving around for about an hour so they told him to stay with them and then they took him around looking for us.. finally he was found and we were very and i stress VERY relieved. thanks to anyone that was involved with the search!! Capt
1st off you have your quote wrong i didnt say i didnt have any respect for a 450 but thats ok. 2nd I hate excuses also but like i told you..when you leave the builder at 7pm and drive to dumont with no dyno map... well it isnt so good on a raptor for output. I ran 3 mph slower this time than i did last time i was out ..does your bikes run good ...yes very good, i was suprised (as stated you are the 1st and the fastest i have seen). will hit the dyno this week and get that done then we try again on halloween. (thats what it all about) not gonna argue with you and like i said give excuses(as legit as they are...just happy to have made it there) bike didnt have a tank of gas ran in it yet but liek i said no excuses. yes there bikes are fast and i did loose but i had fun even if they didnt. its the INTERNET lol take your feeling and get over it. You kinda are missing the whole point of the topic. Get everyone taling and post on the webpage if you took it personal then i guess i owe you and apology.just gettin everyone geared up and excited. if your feeling were that hurt then forgive me and i will hold back my posts and relies to you. all in all you guys ran great and KUDOS to you! now in 2 weeks we start posting again for halloween races and how i am going to whip the snot outta ya with the yellow raptor. If and when we post you just let me know what ya want censored in my posts and i will do that for ya then you wont have to worry about being grumpy towards me when i was just trying to have some fun. so hear is to all that have there feelings hurt all in fun Capt
they also dont like riding double's, no helmet, dripping watter from your water line and all sorts of stuff but whos going to say anything for anyone to know about it? Capt
haha i bought it on craigs list for 400.00 and took about an hour to put in. works great in the driveway lol Capt
just bought 1 of those king domes(auto satalite ) yeahhh!!! Capt
AMEN man i can appreciate that 1 Capt
I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2 what ya got? Capt
what bike you have? Capt
ok Bob you are cordially invited to camp with me ill be at dumont ...feel free to park next to me... at dumont. :dance: :angry2: CApt
Now my is chapped and is hurting that you deleted it!!! was going to print it out and make me some shaving cream balloons and make a mess in the middle of the day (while your racing). way to mess up my weekend!! J/K Bob did yo usay you were camping at bj? Capt
that movie is the best lol b-carefull you might pee your pants laughing. Capt
well i see you have plenty of room so i wont need to bring mine...... ....J/K that is a really nice king pin house :angry2: Capt
I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2 traitor ....................have fun and be safe anyways Capt
sry i was with my monster son and was gettin frustrated with him real name is david so there ya go. nice meeting you also Capt
mine is on the metal below the fibeglass so delam isnt the problem bad design is what mine is Capt
yeah i think he bought the DODGE so his trailer has something to push around YAMAKILLER where you live? vegas? i need the j endorsement also. maybe you can motivate me Capt