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Everything posted by CaptNkllm

  1. sooo thats what ya was doing when i seen ya huh? Glad you figured it out and it wasnt something to hectic. btw nice meeting you.. Capt
  2. i have a raptor also and mine is buckled all over the bottom portion (panels) under the 5er hitch its warping and seperating. raptor warranty department hasnt been very good so far to say the least. other stuff that has broke i just fixed myself. 3 to 4 weeks in a shop and cant even replace a fuse cover couse raptor sends the wrong 1 everytime. pffft good luck!! Capt
  3. no problem then if you dont mind using it for me in between races then that will work. should be fun Smoke this sandaddict Capt
  4. no sorry i miss understood your question( u asked about mine ). i give her a 30 to 40 ft head start and pass her on the way up. i would assume that bolt on rappy does about 40 45 mph up banshee. hers is pretty fast, keeps up with bolt on yfz. i have never checked her speed(she wasnt with me the day a guy had the radar gun but i am going to borrow 1 this time if i can). Capt
  5. as in what mph? i am going to guess 57 to 60 about (banshee hill) ill look for the ltz as well, cant wait (packing and cleaning now) Capt
  6. yep i will be there next week.. i am gearing up right now to start packing. bringing my wifes bike and mine, kids also but i will be there. when we get done id like to run my wifes also to see how it does if ya dont mind. before some changes i was gettin 55 up banshee hill so will be interesting to see what goes. ill probably bring a friends radar gun so i can play with the gears also. bob i bought a new tail light and it added 4 hp to the rear wheels so watch out. its a yellow LED light made by NANNER BENDERS Capt
  7. Ok if you insist its not the fastest but i will bring it...oohhhh um which 1 you want me to bring? my wifes with just bolt ons 07 se blue and white blue with bolt ons (slower than my wifes) 06 yellow with bolt ons and then sum (faster than all 3) 06 se (race ready)(slow as crap) do you want a head start? your not going to show up on your kids 80 are you? after i am done with you ... my son gets leftover 2nds on you :porn: Capt
  8. i told u i will not race you with my raptor just my sons 150 eton no dont start making excuses for yourself cuz we wont put up with that around here that wasnt on mythbusters it was bannanabusters der :fro_smokin: Capt
  9. not a problem i will order from him and see you next week on the stickers Capt
  10. same here!!! i am ready and willing lol. my wife and i are packing tomorrow and gettting everything cleaned and ready to go for next week. can wait. Capt
  11. hey thanks pete. are you bringing any stickers with you next week? i need a windshield sticker. Capt
  12. if its a 700 i have an extra 1 i think(stock) in the garage.. let me know Capt
  13. if u aint yeller then go home!!! if your bike hasnt been beat by a raptor before then your night is going to consist of then and ill be hahahah then after ur done we can at the hill HEY BOB........ .... Capt
  14. lol bob i have never eatin the dust before...... i am always 1st anyone know if the vendors will be out on opening weekend? might need flags. or supplies for big yeller ( that was for bob) new taillight or something. Capt
  15. are they new? we will see about this everyone will be standing there like :mic: der ... what happened . bob it wil lbe hard to drive with sugar in ur tank Capt
  16. hahaha me 2 lol will be nice to meet more peeps out there on opening weekend. Capt
  17. thats a mask? lol just j/k those are cool i think i might order 1 for my son (might improve his looks) Capt
  18. thats it ... i am bringing my sons eton 150, tying my raptor to it so you guys have a chance and ill let him race all you guys up the hill. if he wins you guys buy the ice cream (hes 6) Capt
  19. dynojet did my tune and i think it was lean a little rom the start. that was the 1st time my leg ever has gotten so hot was after they tuned it. had to run around with riding socks and shorts ( real cute) but yes the fi does adjust just not sure what was up with it. looking at the print out they landed right on the money for the most part but like i siad it was never that hot before. GO RAPTORS!!!!!!!!!! Capt
  20. ditto^ pete .. i am never to be understood sometimes. gotta have the same mind set .. thats all Capt
  21. what part of hellooooo dont you understand? kinda kool huh? 1 word 7 pages lol Capt
  23. bob it seems u have been in the closet over a few things huh?............no i am talking about the not running part of ur toys i am stil lwaiting for the office... i can only fart around so much in front of the boss.... our desks face each other. i have seen those bathrooms and lets just say you can keep your key Capt
  24. HELLOO :redhat: Capt ps you guys really f'd up my other thread
  25. ditto what he said again.... all in the name of fun man...... hate it when i have to put fires out i started Capt
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