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  • Sand Toys
    2020 Can Am X3 RC Turbo RR
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    Hesperia, Ca
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  1. I'm mostly excited about it. No more dust, no more destroying the truck and you hauler, no more low / zero visibility on the road, no more wasting water to water the road for dust. BUT, I am nervous for 2 things and those are: 1- the maintenance of the road. Will potholes be our new concern? Will potholes be our new obstacle course to avoid as those can flatten wheels. Is BLM going to be keeping up with the pavement and maintenance or will they contract out which would cause delays. I think eventually the price will go up for Dumont due to the maintenance. 2- people hauling a@@. People already do 50 down the road and it isn't even paved. I don't know how many times I am going 25 mph and I get passed like I'm standing still on the entrance road. I think the paving will be bringing more "oh this is so nice I get to Dumont faster now!" attitudes. Overall, I am genuinely excited about the paving and I think it is long overdue for how popular Dumont is along with the revenue it brings. One of our camps biggest complaint are 2 things: 1- road always is crap when we have to pay a good amount to enter with no amenities for us. Us regular duners aren't using the disgusting pit toilets, we have trailers. The money goes to the new Kings on the ranger's trucks, finally it can at least be thought of going to a paved road maintenance. 2- the machines only work half the time. I actually took a video in November of the machine not working and sent it to BLM and said this is why I never buy a pass. I have to fight the machine which always says "error try again". People lose interest after that, BUT that's a topic for another discussion 😉 PS - I hope the scheduled completion date is accurate and we aren't into November of 2022 and the road is closed due to paving.
  2. Just got off the phone with the buddy in Baker. They went to 4 different stores asking about the 7 day pass including the East Valero Gas Station, and all said they are not selling passes due to covid. The only way to get the 7 day pass was the kiosk at the entrance if you don't have an annual pass. Hope this helps some people to save some time.
  3. The only way to get the annual passes this year is to call the Barstow field office to purchase one and they FedEx it to the address of your choosing. Their number is 760-252-6000 like Redondo mentioned
  4. Oh were they? My memory let me down this time... Damn it. Excited for Halloween
  5. Sorry i typed that funny. It meant to read "holiday and non-holiday passes are same prices as previous years, no change". Sorry for that confusion! Holiday pass is still $120 and non-holiday is $100.
  6. Many of you are like us and love your annual pass w/holidays. With BLM office being closed, their recording says the staff is "working hard at home answering calls and responding to emails". Well, after 2 weeks, calling 10 times each day and leaving a voicemail, plus numerous emails, called this morning and on the first ring someone answered!! Was so excited I was speechless all I said was don't hang up! I'll give some feedback, hoping to answer some questions someone might have but too nervous to ask or not know how to ask! - yes they are open remotely, limited staff due to an abundance of reasons - yes annual passes are available now as of October 1st, holiday and non holiday passes available with the same prices as previous years - no you do not need a drivers license number to purchase anymore, just first/last name and address - they are shipping the passes upon cleared credit card transaction via FedEx - new to this year, you are able to purchase more than one pass! They just ask what last name you want on each pass If you love your annual pass and have to have one, don't get pissed off and mad at BLM. They don't make these (insert personal opinion adjective here) rules, the state does, it isn't their fault. SOMEONE will eventually answer the phone or possibly call you back. The lady who I spoke with this morning was very happy and cheerful, we joked about some things, talked about Dumont, ect. They are people too Looking forward to Halloween this year, I think it is going to be more packed than last year. Wouldn't miss a Halloween!
  7. Good lookin group of cars and people! Great turn out.
  8. Great conditions on your Thursday morning November 14th dune report
  9. There's also the Shell has 2 dump stations in Baker along with that mobile home park on hwy 127. Shell was $5 and so was mobile home park last time i used them. Happy dumping
  10. Yup, i agree. Down fridge vent works, but the little wire cover is so clean. I used it when i did my solar also, makes it look factory.
  11. Is this the infamous Veterans Memorial?! I'll be on the hunt for it this weekend and if not, then in 2 weeks when no one is there!
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