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Everything posted by powerhouse

  1. Man that's a long one ! But that's about it , your still under weight . :mischevious:
  2. showing my " SHAFT" , to everyone ! I know , I know " watch yo mouff !! "
  3. If you don't want to pay , GO TO AMARGOSA !! IT'S FREE ...
  4. your beatin a dead one Brian !
  5. Bob , on this ! :freakin_nuts: heheheh
  6. Total :freakin_nuts: roping off the dunes !! having your kids on a finger dune , roped off or not isn't smart ! people fly by and somtimes through your camp. so if they don't give a sh*t about your camp then why would they care about some cones and tape ? I have seen people hit head on , on the finger dunes. the camps don't need to be that close to them ! imo
  7. I hope you bought that for your woman... does Jeff or Cole know about your purchace ? Just kidding , nice CAR !!
  8. ahahahaha ! I knew it ! my lil ol 40 footer is 12300 empty ... screw off road buggy , get down here and get you some !! lol :freakin_nuts:
  9. wow ! you got a fast Bike ? :freakin_nuts:
  10. do you know the differance between a rectal and a oral ? the tast !
  11. Wow ! thats very unprofessional , they are lucky that it's you [ and I mean that in a good way ! ] and not someone that's hot headed ! and your talking about a few bucks , not a few hundered ! He should keep his mouth shut.
  12. Stacey , :shout: this is about VD !!
  13. I worked my little heart out , at work half the nite ! then went home for pizza and wings and a movie [ I passed out watching ] no :beer_bang: no
  14. Trouble maker !! ^^^^^^^^^^^^lol :beer_bang:
  15. if you are buying one for sport the RZR is the way , but at $15000 ? Pete , how much was your Rail ? and what will it do to those ? :beer_bang: all day long !!
  16. Nitrous is a bolt on ! so is a turbo !
  17. it wouldn't matter with that turdbox ! :shocked2:
  18. I knew I liked you !! BEER PLEASE !!! :shocked2:
  19. I was there with nobbies , and beat most of you !
  20. what are you talking about Cole the big one looks just like you !!
  21. Good job JJ !! now , go have fun with it ! :freakin_nuts:
  22. are those DSL or what ?? !!! hahahahahahahaha !!
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