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Everything posted by powerhouse

  1. Merry eefing x-mas Skyz !! there now , is that better ?
  2. that all sound good , but then who will pay ? just more taxes ? I agree that everyone with or without, money should be able to see and use our lands, but someone must help pay for the upkeep .
  3. I just sent you some of my shirts, from when I was 12 !!
  4. yeah ! we all try to do our part , good job man
  5. that's perfect ! cole I called them for you , they took it off the market !! now , getr done ! off coarse Craig finds a dodge
  6. yeah , I always sit in front of the fire place with a bottle of Jack, and wait for Santa ! How does he know when I pass out ? I never see him... :xmas4:[ I LOVE YOU JACK DANIELS ]
  7. WOW !!! what a great christmas gift ,for your family and your new dune family!!! it's pretty hard to hold back the tears , with the great news ! come on Daniel you can do it !!!!!
  8. Boy ! it sounds like it's your house in the picture, is it ? if it is , why not go over to his house and talk to him about all this crap !!
  9. good job Pete ! now come on and help with mine. did you have to use special christmas Beer ??lol
  10. yeah , did you run out of Porn Credits ? lol
  11. I have been waiting for you to say something on this , Cheese Nuts !!
  12. I'm just joking with ya !! it's a nice truck !!
  13. yeah, that's GAY !!!!!!!!!! just buy the stuff yourself .
  14. the torque converter will spin the engine untill it disengauges, at what ever rpm they said in the artical !
  15. that was a cheap shot ! speaking of cheap , how's your Ford's made in CHINA !! front drive shaft ??
  16. yeah well my truck's dad is BIGGER than yours ! and your ugly !!!!!!!!
  17. that's funny ! and I thought my kids had a copyright on that sign ...
  18. you have a seacrest crush , don't you ?!! :mc_smiley:
  19. "you can do it !" cole you don't have a hair on your if you don't !
  20. nothing is free when you drive Ford products !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. what are you talking about cole ? we have are own Bubba right here in our family !! [ jeff chapman ] no names !! hehehe !! remember his ford on halloween ... the front drive shaft, the transmission stuck in 2end
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