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Everything posted by powerhouse

  1. Stay strong Daniel , we are all with you !!
  2. Depends on what time your there, and how many beers your camera has !! I was in there when it first opened, some very nice ones and some ok ones . but, like Dunie said " all boobs are worth viewing !!!!!!
  3. yes you do /or get it dyno tuned ! :mc_smiley:
  4. cheese cheese cheese , man it's cheesey in here :eatdrink021: :mc_smiley:
  5. Fire starter !!! ok, so you think it's cute ,to show all the children how not to do things when you grow up ? that's great you have to be pretty low on the stripper pole to even bring the hauler over to comp. much less go up , and eef it up for the rest of us ! I like strippers , but in their place, not ours , with 3000 people alot of whom have kids with them. I think they may like that stuff at apex [ nellis ]
  6. aaahahahah !! and that is one reason I don't try to smell my pet's feet !~
  7. Pete, Pete, Pete , you took my line ! I voted for the sheriff
  8. Let's go !!! that chick is already eefed up and she's not even legal yet !!!!!!!!!!
  9. it's not as bad putting them up now , but taking them down in july sucks , it's eefing hot !!
  10. come on Brett , your not telling the whole story . what full service deed did you do ?? haha just kidding bro [ did you ? ]
  11. I wish I could have seen that !! hahaha hahaha
  12. where do you camp pete ? hahaha ! I think some of us have done that , more than once !
  13. Man , I'm stuck in here with a bunch of kids !! hahaha !! I was 7 when that was taken. lol
  14. that things sweet !! good luck with the sale !! you have $2500 under your first post
  15. I go to work everyday for my crew !! I have a girl 17 and a boy 14 a boy 10 and a 4 month old girl and my wife !!! I am very thankful for what I have , and the Jack helps
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