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Everything posted by JoeDuner

  1. I just picked up a 2008 Honda TRX 250EX for $2400 OTD. THis included sales tax, doc. and all fees. The list price alone on these are $4199.
  2. Sweeeet!!! That will be a super fun car.
  3. Congrats!!!! Nice to see you on here.
  4. That's a pretty odd first post for a new member?????
  5. WOW....hopefully a trip report thread won't get closed before Pete can post pictures. I thought the drama lessens after the first trip???
  6. That was a great first trip, except for the wind. The new car duned really good. It was fun driving something different after 3 years. It was nice meeting some new peeps. 80Grit is a cool dude. Thanks for leading the ride on Sunday Pete, it was almost impossible to read the dunes. ---It is amazing how many people ask if it is hard to see over the fenders??? ---SandSnakes new car is sweet. ---It's always fun hangin with DDR peeps. ---I got to pull Bert's tracker out with the huntin quad ---Can't wait til next time, probably Oct. 16th-18th weekend if the weather looks good.
  7. I am headin out Friday afternoon!!! Try not to tear all the sand up
  8. You might want to put in your ad your from Henderson.
  9. Who is your agent? And what's the phone number? Joe
  10. The only policy I have with them is a Sandcar. My agent is Steve Arrington on Lake Mead.
  11. Dave(CaptKllm) had some good info today on the phone about State Farm. There are 2 kinds of insurance through them. He is suppose to post the info in the next day or so.
  12. :ah: :ah: :ah: I hope the first pic doesn't show how you really wear your belts!!!!
  13. HaaaHaaaa.....Funny chit, I hadn't slept in 36 hours and when I got home my A/C unit was broke. That's F*cked up homes!!!!!! But, it's always good to help a fellow duner, even when other a$$hats on the board try to turn you in!!!!!
  14. Yep, they changed it awhile ago.
  15. I have mine insured through State Farm. I know Allstate only covers to $20,000. I found this link to another possible option... http://stratuminsurance.blogspot.com/2009/...e-sand-car.html
  16. I just don't know what to say about this???? Make chitt up??? Write more tickets??? I hope they write more tickets for the a$$hats that don't go to dune and just go to party, maybe it will thin out the herd!!!!
  17. Wow...That is awesome you guys are dialing it. Good work!!!
  18. I don't get it? Wasn't this a rebuilt to new standards car when you bought it? It turned out great, good job you guys!!!!
  19. This holiday is my last chance to work OT so I can afford the dune trips
  20. I will give you gas money if you haul my sh*t out there...
  21. Very nice.....you gonna throw paddles on the b*tch?
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