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Everything posted by JoeDuner

  1. I just got insurance on my sandrail after hearing about all this theft going on. Now I can sleep better at the D.
  2. Sounds like you just became the events cordinator.
  3. Hunting quad wheelies.................LOL http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=king...aq=f&st=day
  4. Does Kenny still have his LT 80. Maybe he will come out once this year....................NOT
  5. Were you at the mines on Saturday afternoon? I was the one that was sitting there waiting for the family to return. I was also checking out your ATC............Nice ride!!!!
  6. It was a great weekend, just hung out with the family and Sandsnake and foxysandchick.
  7. How long are the leads from the ballast. Are the ballast water tight. Where would I mount them on the Raptor?
  8. Here is great info for yamaha atv owners.......Service manuals http://www.sandwizards.com/Pages/How-to/Se...anuals_Page.htm
  9. Picked this up yesterday. Looking forward to next weekend. The kid should have fun on it. Now maybe I can keep up on the fast rides!!! Also, I need some sand tires for it if anyone has some laying around.
  10. I saw these and they seemed like a great deal. Has anyone used them yet???? I have seen them on side x sides, I am wandering if they hold up on quads ? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Rapt...sQ5fAccessories http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Rapt...sQ5fAccessories
  11. Holy guacamole............that's awesome Eddie......Congrats!!!!
  12. I'll be out there. I should have a new Raptor by then as well.
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