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Everything posted by JoeDuner

  1. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=87...h&plindex=0 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8420236302652862694
  2. Who's going to bring it out for you?????
  3. it might be the injectors are dirty as well.
  4. I bet it was the best weekend ever !!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I always ran 30wt at 20:1..............
  6. I'll try to not be sooooooooooo hung over and make it this time...
  7. What after Survivor??? I'll be there around 7.
  8. I heard, if you see morons in sandrails at comp hill wheeling sideways accross traffic, you are allowed to take pop shots at them.
  9. Kingman wants $12,600 OTD for the black one.
  10. OOPS.......Got it correct in about 5 seconds!!!!!!!!
  11. I had a timing issue this weekend as well.
  12. Looks like a bitchin truck..............I'd buy it !!!!!
  13. Same here, you know I'm biting my tongue!!!!
  14. If you don't like the crowds, don't go on big weekends. There are 5 big weekends a year, that leaves about 15 off weekends............you do the math. I pretty sure most people don't go to Dumont more than 15 times a year. On the off weekends over at comp, people do race and hang out in a very controlled manner. there is even the old desert rat attitude over there, instead of the , for lack of a better term, flat biller attitude.(sorry Brett) I only go out on big weekends to spectate. It is too dangerous to actually dune at a fast pace. Off weekends are the shizzle!!!!!
  15. It's amazing when a guy buys a 3000 pound rail and thinks he owns the hill. I think it used to be cool watching rails wheelie the hill, but now everyones car can do it, so it's not that impressive. Save the stunts for the dunes if you can drive well enough to actually dune your car.
  16. How much did you pay, and where did you get it?
  17. Butch's sells a drum of F&L SP-1 for $330 cash. The Rebel warehouse sells Rockett 111 for $6 a gallon.
  18. When it gets windy, that's the perfect time to ride the Sperry Wash ( or take a nap when they put Borat on..... ) . There is always something to do out there.
  19. I'm hoping to be out there Wednesday night or Thurs. morn. :dance: :dance:
  20. Is there any valid reason for this thread?????
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