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Everything posted by JoeDuner

  1. I have had a nail in one of my tires for a year. It hasn't lost a pound of air, so I have left it alone. Now it's time for new tires all around.
  2. Looks like the Maxxis are the way to go. Let me know if you can get the deal Craig? I'm looking at putting them on middle of next month.
  3. I currently have a Weekend Warrior triple axle. The stock tires have lasted for 3 seasons in the Las Vegas heat. I am very happy with them, but it's time for new ones. I can't find them anywhere. They are General Tralier ST 225/75 15's. What tires have you had good luck with ????? What tires have you had bad luck with ???
  4. Here is the deal with polaris........ They break belts all the time and when you take them in, the dealer says they weren't made for the sand.......HMMMM, can you say piece of sh*t.
  5. Or he might just have the Rhino to cruise around with the family and have a Sandrail to go out and have fun in
  6. Yep, hence the site Dumont Dune Riders. I definately wouldn't buy a Funco to go the desert and pound on it. I would consider cars like the Monster Rails, Trick Racing and others. But I love the Dunes!!!!
  7. Well, we can make it a Krazy Thirsty Thursday for the DDR b-day party.. I know Nick dosen't like alot of people, but if we could get 15-20 people to show up at PT's, that would be cool.
  8. Take a picture of it and upload it. I had the same thing happen. I was able to keep it running by manually choking it. I had to pull the elevation screw (idle mixture screw) and clean the float bowl real good.
  9. Those came up because I uploaded them too. There should have been 2 on the side.
  10. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=64...h&plindex=0 Watch at 7:15 mins into the movie. Impressive !!!!!!
  11. Here is a great Funco demo video. Notice how the cars turn. One car even does a 270 degree turn on the dune. This is how a demo video should be, the car actually in the dunes, not just running the hill and whoops. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=64...h&plindex=0
  12. I wander how many morons with no lights, helmets and shirts will be out there this time ????
  13. I am planing on Kick-off weekend, and them everyother weekends after that. If the holiday weekends doesn't fall in that schedule then I will have to double up and do 2 in a row. I take every other Sunday off work so, all my trips are 3 dayers. :worthless_without_pics:
  14. Now that they have Pep Boys quads, everyone buys them and the parents themselves don't even know how to ride. They turn the youngster loose and guess what happens with no safety training from an experienced rider?
  15. Wonder why they don't have any number on tackle football injuries, or how about hockey injuries?????????? :worthless_without_pics:
  16. Congrats Bert and Ashley, Hope to see some pictures real soon!!!
  17. That's not Dumont, it's the Nellis dunes.
  18. What's wrong with Yellow bitchezzzz???
  19. I'm pretty sure you have to register handguns in all states.
  20. You might find this alittle ironic. I have been down to police station the last 3 weeks trying to register my new handgun. I have been turned down by them everytime because they are too busy.
  21. When you loose your rights, they are lost forever. I will take the 1 in 20,000,000 shot that I will be killed by a terrorist. I'm a bettin man, and i really like those odds. I'm just wandering how many rights we have gained recently. When I say recently, I mean in the last 100 years or so?
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