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Everything posted by JoeDuner

  1. That sucks man. I thought you weren't going out this weekend???
  2. I would vote trick. I have seen Aaron and Jerry's cars and they are awesome. I hope this isn't another invisarail post........
  3. Ditto on the Funco........But I had a Sandcars Unlimited before, not a Tatum. Sandcars Unlimited are very nice as well!!
  4. What are you planning on spending, and what are you looking for? Motor, bypasses, power steering etc......
  5. Hey Steve, are you ever going to post more pics of that thing??
  6. TomPro would be my first choice!!
  7. How about making a double penalty weekend for the Holidays, like they do in construction zones. They are under staffed so charge double for a ticket. then the people that need the law inforcement (jacka$$es) pay for the service. Just an idea that could be looked at. I agree that $10 dollars isn't much, but it sure will make the lines getting in and out longer for the people that have a pass. And if the law guys do their job, they should never have downtime while on duty. I see illegal stuff every minute while out there on a holiday weekend.
  8. I say make it even more!!! I say raise it 2 Tecates!!
  9. I think it should be $60 for a week pass !!!!!
  10. Looks like it is going to be 78-85 degrees. I am very tempted to make it back to back weekends!!! Anyone else already have it planned??
  11. The trash was left behind by: Tecate Drinkers!!!!!!
  12. Wasted Wednesday was cool, nice unexpected turn-out of cool friends. Kenny even graced our presence for about 30 mins.
  13. Now, you just need to take it to 1320 and have a cage put in it........ :dunce: :dunce:
  14. Ok, so the official spot will be bathroom 6 area. I will stay on the hardpack as much as possible. I am leaving this afternoon.
  15. Ok, I am going to camp by bathroom #6, like the clean-up. I will try to stay on the hard pack as much as possible.
  16. Perfect!!!!, I'm there ......Don't get too burned!!!! That's Poopd*ck!!!!!
  17. Yeah, I'll be in that area but in the harder stuff. If it looks soft, I'll pull somewhere else and give you a call so you can post it up on the site.
  18. Make it tonight, I'll be at the dunes tomorrow!!!!
  19. Let me know where you want to be or post it up. I'm cool anywhere. I just need to know as soon as possible.
  20. Cool, are you crashing with me until Sunday? Should be awesome!!! :ahhhhh:
  21. I like the C-9 area. Like i posted in the thread earlier. Verizon gets service. I have another buddy(RacerX) coming out as well.
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