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Everything posted by JoeDuner

  1. Hey Kenny, Hope you can make it dude. I will give you a slow ride!!!!!!!!
  2. Well, I'm meeting the guy(Mark) at Dumont this Thursday to buy the Funco!!!!! I'm super stoked!!!
  3. First one sounds like a 2.0 Subie, other sounds like a 3.5 Honda. Make sure you take weight and car style into consideration. Post a pic of what it's going in.
  4. What computer are you running, Motec or Link?
  5. Me too, Now that Tim's a Funco expert , he's going to take a look at it for me this week. It's in his neck of the woods.
  6. Here are the specs....... 2004 FUNCO, BIG 5, Gen IV, 460hp, 2.5L turbo, Subaru, w/a new disco potatoe turbo by C&G, Mendeola MD4S trans, bead locks, triple bypass, graphics, 4 jet-trim seats, newly reuphols, center console & more, motor & CVs, just serviced, fast & reliable,
  7. They are the ultimate duning car!!!!! Not a massive jumper or whoop pounder, just fast duning.
  8. Seeing if a deal can work on this one.
  9. Nice to finally meet you in person, and very cool video!
  10. LOL..........It's just temporary until I get my next rail.
  11. By the way, if anyone has a stock muffler layin around, let me know.
  12. Eight is enough Different Strokes Brady Bunch
  13. yeah, I will have out this weekend. Looking forward to just cruisin around. And when I need to go fast I have the huntin quad...... :icon_twisted:
  14. Got to see it in person today, and it is super nice....Congrats Pete!!!!!!!
  15. Just bought this rhino. Does anyone recognize it? :icon_twisted:
  16. get it, so i can drive it. When we saw them at glamis last year, they seem to handle the rough stuff real well. :freakin_nuts:
  17. I'm up for a byob(bring your own booze) potluck. Everyone can hangout at a pre-determined camp that has a table set-up for bottles and mixers.
  18. Cool pics.........gotta luv a Sandcars Unlimited!!!!!
  19. How did you figure out it was the CV and not the trans?
  20. I bring what's ever on sale at the grocery outlet store!!!! Put me down for out of date tater salad.
  21. Combo Twist-Thumb Throttle Terry Cable is making this combo throttle system with both twist and thumb throttle at the same time. It is a very clean design sharing one cable for both.
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