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Everything posted by JoeDuner

  1. What happened to Gerald? He isn't going to make it out this weekend?
  2. Stop by the DDR camp, most have verizon and if you can't get a signal I let you borrow mine.
  3. I was hoping one girl would say it's cool............Starting to wonder about the other ones that don't like half naked dudes!!!!!!
  4. That's Poopdik just knowing all that info........
  5. I know where this fat guys hanging out!!!
  6. I thought you were going Thursday night Nick?
  7. Stop by storage the day before trip and start the fridge. The trailer cord should charge your battery from your truck on the way out.
  8. Holy sh*t batman, I'm laughing my a$$ off. That's funny right derr!!!
  9. Don's the purple people eater!!!
  10. Tents are cheap, we all did it.
  11. Not sure what that means??? I never claimed to build cars. THis topic started when SteveO was in the market to buy a car. He was looking in the 40-50K range. Trick Racing showed what they could do and I showed , what I thought was a good deal, what Sandwinder does. Trick racing said they use better compnents and I compared them, that's all. I never said anything about customer service or build times. I just heard about sandwinder and all their customers seen to be real happy with their cars. "But who am I".......LOL........Someone that is totally OVER IT!!!!
  12. Yep, weather forecast shows highs in the mid 80's and low's in the mid 50's for the first trip. Can't wait to get out there. See you or your wife tomorrow between 11am and 1pm Ash.
  13. How about 3 PM on Saturday we all get together before the potluck and do a ride. MEET UP AT 2:30 and have a pre-beer, then head out on a medium speed DDR ride.
  14. So this month Dirtbike of the month had 29 vote, sandrails 48 votes, quads 44 votes, and Rhinos 76 votes????? What has the sandworld come to when Rhino's get twice the attention than any other vehicle? Sounds like BS to me? Any comments? :eatdrink021:
  15. I'll bring a side dish or 2 as well.
  16. What time on Thursday Stacey? I'm heading out Thursday as well and would rather cruise out with someone. Do you go through Tecopa? That's the way I go and should be heading out around 7PM.
  17. What you talkin about willis???
  18. I remember that, it was a 3 hour journey to get back to camp. That was the first time we all camped together.
  19. Cool 3 PM, if you are on other sites spread the word!!!!!!
  20. Let's try it every afternoon around 4:00 PM. Pete can you post a aerial map of the dunes so we can pinpoint a spot to try and get it going?
  21. Let me see hear, you have 2 posts and you are telling the prez how to act on his own site................... :freakin_nuts:
  22. You can't use stainless safety wire?
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