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Dune Cruzer

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Everything posted by Dune Cruzer

  1. There's a Generac dealer in NLV, somewhere in the neighborhood of Cheyenne & Losee. I was able to get a service manual/trouble-shooting guide from them for my old Generac QuietPact 5500. Maybe work some magic & see if they can hook you up. It was a great help.
  2. Lucky you. I have yet to fix mine. It's still sitting in the backyard next to the hauler since before Thanksgiving. Got the starter, just have no time to fix/re-install it. I had a surging issue with mine before the starter went, ran a can of Seafoam through it, and it cleaned out the carb within an hour or so. I have a feeling I'm gonna have that problem again. It's been sitting too long between use.
  3. With all the issues surrounding last years clean up, and it almost not happening, will there be a clean up at Dumont THIS year? It's usually held in March, we going to keep the streak going? When?
  4. I found this... https://www.generator-parts.com/manuals/generac-rv/0D7431.pdf
  5. Funny you this ask this Mike. My Onan 5500 is sitting in my yard next to the hauler as I wait for the starter to arrive. What a PITA getting that thing out. The starter on this Onan is mounted vertically in the rear of the gen set. I couldn't even see it until removing the unit. Replacing the unit will be just as fun I'm sure. My guess is yours is similar. See if you can find an explode view of your unit online. Good luck!
  6. Well, good news! Dumont Dunes Clean Up Now back on!
  7. Excellent! Glad to hear it. I really thought the annual clean-up was coming to an end. We'll be out doing our part.
  8. See, and this is probably true, sad to say. If somehow we could put this together, we should take it upon ourselves and do it. Everyone who wants to participate, bring extra trash bags & maybe some food/drink, and we can meet up afterwards & enjoy some lunch & cool, cool beverages. I assume the clean-up would've been 3/15. How bout we keep the streak?
  9. I would participate in that, however, I think the problem we're having is that the BLM is making it difficult to have an organized event. Although I'm not too familiar with all the hoops you'd have to jump through to make this happen, I'm thinking some sort of permit would still be required. Not so sure why, when we're willing to help clean-up our playground.
  10. Well Terry, I'm sorry to hear that. I know it was a lot of work for you, as well as others to put together over the years. We've been participating in the clean-ups since at least '05. I hate to break the streak, but it is what it is. I thank you for all that you've done to make Dumont a better place for all.
  11. I thought I saw a thread on this somewhere, but searched & searched, and couldn't find it. Will there be a clean-up this year? If so, when? Thanks!
  12. Looks like an Amargosa trip on Sunday 9/29 just might happen...
  13. I'm most definitely going to invest in a chest protector, and start wearing my riding boots again. The boots are uncomfortable, like SAND YFZ says, but offer more protection then any regular type footwear.
  14. Looks like you guys made a good day of it, after a couple mishaps. Sorry about your wreck Aaron. Looks like you pulled it off much better then I did. You popped right off to grab your shoe. I was definitely seeing stars like Pete said. I'll be back out there again, probably try & make the next Dune in June trip, providing the date works out out. Since Adam is cursed, I'll make sure to not have him follow me, or vice versa. LOL
  15. Boy that was a rough video to watch. Pretty rough ride home, going solo, holding my rib cage the entire way. Hurts like a MOFO! Got home, and went straight to the ER. CT scan, and several chest x-rays later revealed no internal damage. Deep bruising is what I came away with. Doc says I may develop a hairline fracture in my lower rib within a week. I was sure I broke one, or at least fractured one. Got some Valium, Percocet, and Motrin pain meds. They're gonna go fast. Nice footage of the crash Rap_Rider. You got the good stuff. I'll make sure to never ride near you again! SAND YFZ, sorry to hear of your incident. I hope you heal up fast as well. Thanks for the well wishes Dunefreak & Sanddunesaddict. H-Town, you guys rock! Got my tires aired back up enough to get my bike back to the truck. I really appreciate all the help from ALL of you guys, getting me back to camp, and loading all my junk. Never met most of you guys until today, and you guys were awesome in helping me out. I can't thank you guys enough. It's nice to know there are still some good people in this world.
  16. Unless I get forced to work, I'm gonna make this trip happen. I'll just meet you guys out there.
  17. Well, if you guys wanna make it Sunday the 16th, count me in. Last years day run in June was awesome, would love to do it again!
  18. Boy, I'd sure love to Dune in June with you guys, but Saturdays are no bueno for me. :-(
  19. I also need to get this done. Sounds like a nightmare, although I've got VIN's & titles, so maybe it won't be so bad. Any idea how long it takes to get the BILLBOARD sized OHV stickers from the time you start the process, to the time you actually get them? Do they issue a temp. sticker by chance?
  20. I know it's a little way out, but is there a date set for the clean-up weekend for 2013? We're going to be picking our vacations at work soon, and would like to know. Thanks!
  21. Heck yes bring the Haunt back! You guys did an awesome job with it! Thanks for all the hard work!
  22. Just got back from a 6day/5 night trip out there. Enjoyed beautiful, smooth sand until Friday. The haunted house was awesome! Thanks for all the effort you guys put into that! You had my niece & nephew in tears 10ft. into it. Comp hill on Sat. night was one of the busiest I've seen on a big holiday weekend in a while. Didn't see the Flight for Life copter flying around, but that doesn't mean there weren't any accidents. Drug sniffing dogs at the pay station? VIN checks? Wow. I heard they did find a stolen vehicle. Maybe someone else has some better info? Didn't seem to be as many vendors as in years past. All in all it was a good trip.
  23. You can take it to most propane suppliers, and have the tank checked. Recently, I had mine replaced at Suburban Propane in NLV. Might be a bit of a ride from Henderson though.
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