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Dune Cruzer

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Everything posted by Dune Cruzer

  1. I think I seen that truck at the clean up lunch/raffle. Looks BAD ARSE!
  2. Congrats on the catch, that's freakin' awesome! Where did this take place anyways?
  3. On Saturday, one of the haulers in the camp next to ours decided to dump their grey tank, and after confronting them I got P'oD enough to go find a Ranger, but found a San Bernadino Sheriff's Officer in the rail they ride around in and asked about dumping your grey water. The officer said it was ok to dump fresh & grey, just not your black tank. Had no idea that was ok.
  4. If any of you are familiar with Gilcrease Orchards in the far NW part of Vegas, they're got a SHIAT load of Applewood they need to get rid of. The GM there, Mark, wants $20 a truckload! You load & go. It's not quite dry yet, been sitting about a year or so, but I figure you're not gonna find a better deal than that for the price. Any questions, call Mark at 702-409-0652. Glicrease Orchard 7810 Tenaya Way LV, NV 89131 (Tenaya & Whispering Sands Dr. just East of Arbor View H.S.)
  5. Would this be the truck you guys are talking about?
  6. Well done Tim, keep up the good work!
  7. We may go, got free tix...it's a toss up between MX & the big fight
  8. ^^^ I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2 ^^^
  9. Right on Bob, it was the BFH, I know it was!
  10. Right on Bob, it was the BFH, I know it was!
  11. Hey, it worked for me. After doing all the diagnostic tests with no luck, finally broke out the BFH, and that did the trick. It was just a suggestion, couldn't hurt to try...
  12. I don't have an Onan, but I had a similar problem. There's a fuel solenoid underneath the bowl on the carb (on mine) that seemed to be the problem. A couple taps with a BFH and bada-bing. I tried to get the fuel solenoid from Generac, but they'll only sell you the entire carb. So now I have an $89 carb just in case. Maybe the Onan has a similar set-up.
  13. Sorry to hear the news of your son. Hope he heals up quickly. I wish him a fast, full recovery.
  14. Not to make fun of the situation, but one of the comments was "the truck on the sand goes round and round", had to chuckle at that...
  15. I see that Dodge does alot of their hot weather testing out here. Usually see them on the 95. I've never seen any other makes under cover out here.
  16. if you want, go to FUELATV.com's site & download the map for the mods you have.
  17. I agree totally. My brother, who's a Toyota tech, keeps trying to get me to sell my Chevy for a Toyota. Never. Buy American, even if Chevrolet is assembled in Canada & Mexico...lol
  18. Those are some SWEET paint jobs on those Banshees!
  19. I used some contact cleaner on the circuit board, seems to run just fine now. I'm gonna hold-off on buying a new board until I need to. Thanks for the help peeps!!
  20. The shop manual said nothing about low oil. :breakdance: if it has a low oil shut-off or not. Go it back together & of course it didn't start up. Guess I'm gonna have to fork out for the circuit board for some peace of mind.
  21. LOL, you guys are nuts. What does low oil have to do with not getting any spark at the plug anyways? The oil level is fine. I got her runnin' tonite!!! Unplugged the wiring harness from the circuit board and plugged it back in and guess what? Yep, she started right up. Must have been a loose contact, or dirt or something in there. Anyways, hopefully It'll continue to run once it's all back together. Thanks for the all the help!! :breakdance:
  22. It's been sitting for about 2 weeks before this problem developed. Ran fine then. I'm getting the shop book for this model from the Gen-Tech shop here in town on 5/8. Hopefully I can troubleshoot the problem. I'm surprised none of you "techs" out there didn't chime in. Could it be the magneto coil or circuit board? I'm not getting any spark at the plug...
  23. Looks good Pete, nice & clean...
  24. I've got a Generac 5500 that wouldn't crank over. Ran out, bought a starter & solenoid and a new spark plug. I got it to crank over, but there's no spark. Batteries are dual 6V deep cycles, fully charged. I'm running outta hair to pull out, anyone have any suggestions??
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