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Dune Cruzer

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Everything posted by Dune Cruzer

  1. Heh heh, I'm in withdrawal. No fun here. Haven't been to the D since early November. Gotta have fun thru all you guys. How sad huh?? :beer_bang:
  2. Oh, I've been on here snooping....the wife, not so much. Thanks for asking! :freakin_nuts:
  3. Go with the Dasa pipe, Fuel ATV Intake system, and your choice of Yoshimura PIM OR Power Commander, along with the 13T front sprocket, and the above mentioned tire set-up. You'll love it.
  4. Check over on lt-r450central.com as that situation has been Good luck!
  5. I believe umracing.com has an aluminum oil tank for your application, but it's rather costly for just having to replace a broken bolt. They're also located in LV if that helps. Good luck with the fix!
  6. If in fact they actually DID steal your quads, they must be the DUMBEST people on the planet....considering they are your neighbors & all. Hope you get your toys back.
  7. Those bastids! That's my neck of the desert...sorry to hear they got the goods. I'll keep an eye out for 'em!
  8. It doesn't take RAIN for people to drive like complete morons here....
  9. you spelled "wipe" wrong, it's not "whipe"...lol
  10. KOMP 92.3, or if I'm forced to...107.5
  11. Nice of them to commit a Federal offense as they enter illegally. You guys should shoot 1st, ask questions later.
  12. Congrats on the new home Mike! That thing is sweet! Taking it out to Amargosa anytime soon?? I'm guessing you've got plenty of room now for all the toys?
  13. Congrats on the new home Mike! That thing is sweet! Taking it out to Amargosa anytime soon??
  14. Congrats DDR on 2 successful years, and here's to many more!!
  15. I moved here from NJ, and haven't looked back since. Will be moving my brother out here from NJ in September. He can't wait. 'Nuff said.
  16. Dune Cruzer


    Those are some "pig balls"!
  17. I had to listen to the new album a couple of times before I took to it, but I just love 6 of the songs on it. Guess the other half just sux, for me anyways. No More Sorrow #1 song on it!
  18. Dayum Joe! Sorry about your situation, I had no idea. Funny how porn gets you thru it though!
  19. Wow! I'm surprised no one started another truck $hit talk thread here!
  20. I have the exact truck as yours, color & all.
  21. Looks good, and nice ride. I have the same, minus the DMax. (My Bad) How the ride w/the cranked torsions, a little stiff?
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