All I can say is you are all one hellava crew to hang with!! Always fun to be around.
Hope someone got the splinter out after ridin the WOOD!
Corey not only rides my but does the wood with clothes on and standing up Good job Corey, your always a hoot.
Mike your car looks real pertty with all the green lights. Looks Sharp.
Nikki might just get a shovel just for her.
To the Ladies , thanks for sharring a shot with me.
TO All the MISFITS: THANKS once again, always good times hangin with you. Never a dull moment!!!!!
The ds650 runs where a little rough, just gotta learn to ride all over again. Started getting it dialed in the way I want it, a work in progress. New tires, jet kit, new grips, nerf bars, etc.etc.ect. Runs great though.