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Everything posted by ~JILL~

  1. It's off and running again. Good job Skyz!
  2. I don't really know him, but I have heard of him and I think I might have seen him. Gee I think I might have even talked to him. Oh wait! I HAVE HIS AUTOGRAPH!!!!! He really is nation wide!!
  3. I'm sorry Randy, CONGRATS TO YOU TOO little cheesete little mog little samuri AND a little snizzle!!!!!!!!! Randy will have the only boy of the bunch! I call it now."Ranpuppy" with his little harum of 3 girls. Score should be at 3 out of 4?
  4. little cheese little mog and little Samuri (sp)
  5. Bert is having a Girl too. Dune bunnies galore!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to you too!
  6. Here ya go Anna, found this over on GD.COM He'll even wink at you.
  7. How many car seats can a MOG hold? I know Cole already has a daughter or two but they are well away from the car seats. Come on Cole how many will it be able to handle? I can see it now Cole and the MOG cruising around the flats with 9 car seats strapped on the back of the MOG roll bars included giving all the new babies their first dune rides!!! j/k but it would be funn to watch!! CONGRATS you 2!!!!
  8. No matter rain or shine we go. If it rains, more movies and more food, extra sleep. Maybe flood the road so we can't get out for a few extra days.
  9. Me, myself & I, then of course Charlie and his self and possibily one other personality, but I'm not sure which one yet.
  10. We'll be there! Not sure what the donation will be as of yet. Buuuuuuuuuut Charlie has his own little suprise.
  11. The first scent catches your attention, your eyes begin to water, some gag reflex action, move away from it . Once the stench is gone, then and only then do we spend 2 hours talking about it. Got to throw in a little Bat Wing conversation, Tuna can, noodle, tic tac and gerbil on top of that and you get some of the best times you will ever have. Can't be beat!!!! After all that we tear up from laughing so hard, then the sides hurt so bad we can't breath.
  12. Yours and mine maybe? Steak and eggs for breakfast? NOT
  13. RECROQING maybe? I'm sure Charlie has a croqer in the trailer, he has everything else in there.
  14. We lived in Redlands for 3 years, husband worked on the 7 Oaks Dam Project. It was a nice little town when we where there.
  15. Gee, Cole gets all the cool toys.
  16. Not worth it here either, I'm at 5. now on a 15 year, but I only have about 8 years left and I"M CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry2:
  17. Oh ya, I guess. kinda, sorta, maybe.
  18. Sorry wingnut, We have a fusion machine here at work but it's for 6"-10" plastic water pipe. Um it's for round things.
  19. All I can say is you are all one hellava crew to hang with!! Always fun to be around. Hope someone got the splinter out after ridin the WOOD! Corey not only rides my but does the wood with clothes on and standing up Good job Corey, your always a hoot. Mike your car looks real pertty with all the green lights. Looks Sharp. Nikki might just get a shovel just for her. To the Ladies , thanks for sharring a shot with me. TO All the MISFITS: THANKS once again, always good times hangin with you. Never a dull moment!!!!! The ds650 runs where a little rough, just gotta learn to ride all over again. Started getting it dialed in the way I want it, a work in progress. New tires, jet kit, new grips, nerf bars, etc.etc.ect. Runs great though.
  20. Dumont Dune Riders BABY MAKERS! Sure glad I'm old! Actualy it sounds like it may be contagious. Next year ya'll get to camp with Pete. Uncle Pete can babysit, I can see it now Uncle Pete and the diaper change X5 Seriously, CONGRATS to you all, and wish you all the best!!
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