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Everything posted by ~JILL~

  1. Check with Vegas Style (Steve)he lost a GPS .
  2. :poke: Ok, CAPT. Charlie can't play with you anymore, no more rides in your car!! I don't want to hear another word about your car. Tiff, I feel alot better had to get to feeling better before the ride home so we stayed alittle longer. Thanks again!
  3. I thought maybe it was the one Friday night more on the Vegas side of Blue Diamond . Didn't know there was one Sunday night too.
  4. I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW I STAYED UP TILL 12:30 ON FRIDAY NIGHT-I HAVE WITNESS'S!! For some reason this smiley reminds me of why Good food, good run, and of course great people.
  5. Everyone is probably already gone but I'll ask anyway. Some of the guy's at work asked if this was a free weekend? I've got my pass, they might just have to deal with it.
  6. Me either, except when the dunes are tore up, I really LIKE them then. Last weekend was almost a double sports bra day, one worked though. Cinch-em up and strap-em down. Lift and separate doesn't work anymore, I'd have to lift and tuck them under the armpits. That makes it to hard to ride.
  7. Thanks Capt. I needed that!!!!! :black: I was laughing so hard I had to run to the outhouse!!!!( sorry the blue room)didn't want to wet myself
  8. Pete, I am supposed to tell you that Charlie has something special just for you. Don't ask cause I don't have a clue, but now that I think about it, I don't have a clue as to alot of things he does. :black: Anyway something just for you! He'll have it this weekend.
  9. Where ever Charlie's HAPPY OLD BUTT decides to park this time!
  10. Come on every body is invited!! At least I thinkl they are It doesn't matter, invited or not we a;ways show up! We're a couple of kling-ons is all, we just intrude every place. South Pole, North Pole, Comp, Banshee once in awhile we even visit a camp or two. See ya all loaded and ready. Happy Halloweenie to those that can't make it. And see ya at the poker run!
  11. Need to know how old Barefoot Bob's Kids are and if I can pump the candy down them too with Dave and Tina's kids!! After that we will just have to move our camp so Tina can't find me!!! :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown:
  12. I'll just have to bring my box of extra trash bags and start handing them out. Might work? Or I'll probably end up picking up empty trash bags blowing around. I'll try it anyway.
  13. Almost there!!! Might leave about 3 today or wait till 3 in the morning. Not sure yet, either way we are gone!!
  14. OK! I've got 18lbs of candy I am NOT bringing it home. We'll be cruising around handing candy out maybe both Friday and Saturday, Unless of course I can find Capt. & Dunelovers camp, I'll just pump half of it down their kids. The other half to any other kids I can find.
  15. Na the hat goes with a certain laugh she had when we where at Coral Pink.
  16. The friggin ball fell off and the chain kept swinging around and hitting me, soooooooo, I got rid of it . Charlie still has his ball-n-chain tatoo though, got my name written accross it so I don't forget it. Or just maybe he might like me. Immortalized like his ballzzzz!!!
  17. Where has Wingnut and Crasher gone?
  18. Sprint works for us. At least out past vender row and out by Cheese's hiding spot. I'll have to try So. pole and some other spots Halloween.
  19. I bought mine at Johnny Walkers, The guy down there wrote our last name and the make of the truck on the pass.
  20. Hey CAPT, tell Tina I have a hat for her when I see her Halloween.
  21. Could have been the handle bars on a bike if she wrecked? But, if it was a punching bag someone should return the favor on his head (either one) just so he'd remember it. My ex was one of those. The tables have turned over the years. He is afraid of me now.
  22. Must have been some party, looks like a big ol bruise on the right BOOB! Hope it wasn't malicious man handling! Sharpie part is funny though.
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