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  • Sand Toys
    Xp900, CR500
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  1. I have 2 38x16.50 extreme dominator paddles with #1 cut and 2 36" fronts. 702-491-1490 Brand new never used or mounted.
  2. I have 2 brand new 38" extreme dominator paddles with #1 cut paddle and 2 front 36" extreme tires to match. Brand new still has stickers and wrapping on them. 702-491-1490 Richie Perfect for a V8 Car $1200 for all 4.
  3. Thanks to everyone who stopped by. We hope everyone enjoyed it. We had around 200 people come through this year!!!
  4. Hey we are doing our 2nd Annual Haunted house this year. We invite all, Last year was awesome for our 1st year but this year we wants hundreds of visiters so please stop by. We will be camped along the finger in front of bathroom 6. We will have a sign and a 12ft blow up ghost on top of our trailer. See you guys out there!
  5. IF anyone out htere has some stock take offs I need axles and tie rods. CAll me if you have something 702-491-1490. Thanks Richie
  6. I have a brand new set of king shocks that I bought for my teryx and never used. Still in original packaging. Shocks are $1800 from king or any local off road shop. Fronts are valved 15/15 rears are 20/20. Eye to eye is 19 1/8" Ill let um go for $1600. Call me if interested 702-491-1490
  7. Brand new 2011 Hayabusa Rail. I bought this as an unfinished build from a friend. I put more time into this than when I build one of my v8 cars!!! Its probably over built for what it is. The entire car is gusseted and braced the same as one of my v8 rails. Check out 50caliberracing.com to see other builds of mine. - 18-20 inches of travel front/rear - Adjustable cam gear rear sprocket - Fox air shocks front and rear - 2 HID lights - 2 suspension seats - Billet shifter - VDO Gauges, oil pressure, water temp - CNC Pedals - Dual rear disc brakes - 10 gallon fuel tank, runs on pump gas - Tabbed for light bar Asking 23k. 702-491-1490
  8. Thanks Guys! Im looking for someone with a 2006 rhino thats wants a free CDI box? PM ME. I think thats what yours was huh rick. Ill PM you now.
  9. Any yes Mikey the welder. His boy made an honest apoligy and handed me abunch of cash he had saved up months later. Thats a good kid even though he f*cked up at first. The 2 old men who are thieves though, they are clearly pieces of sh*t.
  10. Just trying to warn fellow duners who are not thieves. I guess these losers have nothing better to do than talk sh*t on me to every random stranger they meet. Gary and Grant is who I am reffering to. Ive had 3 people come into my shop and tell me they talk all kinds of crap about me and my business and bla bla bla. Grow up you 50 year thieves!!!! lol I just have to laugh at the losers. They will never have anything. sh*t they both still live with thier parents at nearly 50 years old. If that doesnt tell you something........lol
  11. I wish it was mine. I did loose a silver ipod at comp 2 years ago. If you dont find the ownder and you want to give it to me ill be happy to take it Mine wasnt a 120g
  12. I dont believe so. I havent had a single problem since i moved to the new shop until this. This post sure is sturring the pot. I been getting blown up all day by the thieves brother. He wants me to remove the post. Maybe if you remove your thief brother from your life you wouldnt have to deal with posts like this that spread the truth and worn people about people like your brother! I have a sister thats a thief and I havent talked to her in years. You choose your path buddy. Im glad so many people are reading the post. I hope it drives more business to dog house. Ive never known him as a thief. Hes always been a straight up guy from my experiences with him. They did work out of Mike's booth but Mike had nothing to do with this. Thats the guys though just to make it clear if anyone isnt sure who Im talking about.
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