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Everything posted by 69hondo

  1. It was awesome. great weather and good crowd.
  2. until

    How was the crowd last year?
  3. until

    We should be out there Wednesday afternoon.
  4. until

    I think we are going to try Dumont this year for Thanksgiving instead of Glamis. Hopefully not to crowded.
  5. Whos been on Vetrans weekend? anyone going this year? We are thinking about coming out.
  6. We are back and here are some pics. Least crowded Dumont Halloween I have been to in years. Thinking camp RZR pulled a lot of people away. We had a huge camp. Buddy brought a new friend and that guy brought 9 other friends. Needed to get in the buggy just to cross campWe had a good amount of kids come through at night trick or treating. By Sunday dunes were beat up pretty good. SXS out number everything 100 to 1. As usual Sunday was the best. Most everyone packs up and leaves. Took mom for a ride in the buggy. That's her getting in laying across the back seat. 70 years old and just had hip surgery. Did some wheelies and jumps with her. Good hour and she loved every minute.
  7. The fronts are actually metric but come out to be 34x8.5 the rears are 35x12.5x15
  8. I live in Hesperia and we run the buggy out in Johnson valley occasionally. run out to Slash X periodically. The only thing is the tires will grab little rocks/pebbles and hurl them at the car occasionally. I run 35" BFG mud terrains.
  9. We had to bail out. I am super disappointed. Have a damn good time!
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