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Everything posted by Gazlay43

  1. heres a couple more.. ill post some jump pics later
  2. i have better ones but im 2 lazy 2 put em up
  3. damn that car is lookin SIK!!!!
  4. i was told that it did..... but idk
  5. well I will probably end up going with a spray in, so let me know wen they u start doin em Ken. here is the Bedrug I was talking about (theres a little video that u can watch) http://www.truckaddons.com/Catalog/subpages/bedrug.htm
  6. I've been looking at different bedliners. I want a spray in, but I don't really want 2 ruin the factory paint warranty. I really like the Dualiner bed liners, but they don't make em 4 Toyotas, so the only thing left that I like is the Bedrug. Are they good? Is there anything else that protects the entire bed w/o ruining it at the same time?
  7. haha ya like we need 2 busas i see what you r sayin tho
  8. oh alright hahaha ya i will definately drive out there but it wont be for a while..............
  9. they think it happened between 12:30 and 7 am they live over by arbor view high school i cant really think of a better place to give u an idea of where its at...... but ya ill try 2 get some pics and the serial numbers
  10. hmmm the tompro videos make the cars seem like they are tuned pretty well, but I still can't pick............ the specs are nearly identical i'll have to get a ride in both of em somehow
  11. My friends got their 2007 KLX110's stolen. They both have full Two Brothers pipes, one has red baron handle bars, the other has two brothers blue clamps with pro taper handlebars. One of them has black backgrounds with 921 in white numbers and "Bito" in white letters on the front number plate. PM me with any info.
  12. :dance: still cant pick one out of the 2 companies wut is the hp on the tompros non-turboed motor?
  13. ive seen a lot of other ways 2 do it but those r just some i found
  14. ya thats wut i was thinking but my buddy got his done there and he had 2 drive back there cuz they screwed up the wiring
  15. no i posted one about mini rails a looooooong time ago haha
  16. u just confused me haha let me try 2 clarify at first we were interested in a busa rail then we got to thinking that it might be a waste of money to get a busa cuz we would most likely end up selling it and to get a 4 or 5 seater did that help?
  17. no haha we have always been interested in a busa but we dont want 2 buy one then wanna step up 2 a v8 right after
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