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Everything posted by Gazlay43

  1. ya thats y i dont really want duals again. they look good, but my left one is already bent and i dont want that happenin again
  2. ya i know. every 1 keeps tellin me. singles r supposed 2 give more low end and theyre cheaper, but i like how the duals look.................. probably end up getting a single, but idk which one??????????????
  3. Gettin a new pipe or pipes 4 my crf250, should I get dual White Brother's E2's, a single White Bros E2, Dual Pro Circuit T-4s, a single Pro Circuit T-4, or a DR.D single????????
  4. ya im gettin HID's for sure probably just save up for the HELLA's
  5. Gonna buy some off road lights to mount on the off road bumper on my truck, should I get 2 8" oval Eagle Eye lights, or should I get some type of HELLA's?
  6. ooohhhh that makes sense
  7. What is the point of the mini-van look if Funco make the Hustler and Hustler 4? Is it just 4 looks?
  8. Any1 here have a spray in bed liner in their truck? How much did is cost? I want to get a Line-X spray in bed liner for my truck, but I don't know where 2 get it done or how much it will cost.
  9. ya i was just wearin my blank 1 and thanx
  10. if i was wearin my race chest protector that says GAZLAY on it, then it would have been a dead give away haha i hate wen it doesn't quote right im sure u can fix it but im retarded haha
  11. we saw that 4rm r camp looked pretty kool
  12. saw the new funco rails and the new short sandcar they all looked really good rode by and waved 2 all of u at comp i was either on my crf250 rockin the 43 plates or on my ltr450 rockin the 43 either way it was a pretty fun weekend
  13. looks like we get the dunes all 2 ourselves!!!!
  14. :smoker: exactly what i was tryin 2 say
  15. We're goin out on Friday until Monday or Tuesday. Any1 else gonna be out there?
  16. ya they are nice but i would rather have something like king, tom pro, or short sand cars but if you wanna go on trails then get a drakart or ridge runner
  17. not for 30 g's check out kingsandcars.com or tomprodesign.com
  18. ya now i just gotta wait til i can actually drive it
  19. they are still joined but they make their own bikes if that makes sense.............
  20. the write up about em on the LTR forum wasn't that good
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