ya i know. every 1 keeps tellin me. singles r supposed 2 give more low end and theyre cheaper, but i like how the duals look..................
probably end up getting a single, but idk which one??????????????
Gettin a new pipe or pipes 4 my crf250, should I get dual White Brother's E2's, a single White Bros E2, Dual Pro Circuit T-4s, a single Pro Circuit T-4, or a DR.D single????????
Gonna buy some off road lights to mount on the off road bumper on my truck, should I get 2 8" oval Eagle Eye lights, or should I get some type of HELLA's?
Any1 here have a spray in bed liner in their truck? How much did is cost?
I want to get a Line-X spray in bed liner for my truck, but I don't know where 2 get it done or how much it will cost.
if i was wearin my race chest protector that says GAZLAY on it, then it would have been a dead give away haha
i hate wen it doesn't quote right
im sure u can fix it but im retarded haha
saw the new funco rails and the new short sandcar
they all looked really good
rode by and waved 2 all of u at comp
i was either on my crf250 rockin the 43 plates
or on my ltr450 rockin the 43
either way it was a pretty fun weekend
ya they are nice but i would rather have something like king, tom pro, or short sand cars
but if you wanna go on trails then get a drakart or ridge runner