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Everything posted by Gazlay43

  1. Aw man I HATE that place!!! Looks like I gotta go there though thanx
  2. Where can I get a big Yamaha sticker for a box trailer or toy hauler?
  3. Well I would not buy from them directly anyway, and they told me that I should run extremes.
  4. I am going to order Skat Trak Extreme's for my LTR because I want better climbing paddles. How many paddles should I get, 6 or 7?
  5. If you get a KTM, you are gonna wanna do just that, KTM (kill the mechanic), because they will always cost more to fix than a Japanese bike.
  6. Ok, but do you sell Team Losi Mini T's?
  7. You are selling revo 3.3's for 454??
  8. Just remember to keep your foot by your back brake because if you start going to far backwards all you have to do is tap your back brake and your front end will come back down preventing you from falling on your a$$.
  9. Ya I have been there with my ofna. I have driven truggies and they handle a lot better than monster trucks, but I am most likely not going to be racing so I will probably get a monster truck. If I do want to race I will probably go with a Jammin truggy.
  10. I am probably just going to get another monster truck. Most likely the Traxxas Revo 3.3
  11. I have been into the nitro rc monster trucks for a few years and I am looking to get a new truggy. I was wondering, does anyone have any experience with the Team Losi Muggy or know anything about it? And I was also wondering, how does it compare to the HPI Hellfire?
  12. Would a busa fit into it directly or would you have to switch the motor mounts?
  13. Ya I understand that. Still would like to see em to make a decision. Not necessarily based on speed.
  14. Where can I get a rear shock for my banshee with a 6 inch extended swingarm? Need a new one to withstand the extra leverage.
  15. I am having trouble finding prerunner companies for Chevy S10s. Anybody know of any companies?
  16. Are you talking about like a 2 seater hayabusa rail?
  17. Until you get rid of the stock suspension and throw on a long travel kit
  18. Our banshee is pretty tricked and it starts 1st kick every time. Go to trinityracing.com and the number is on the site
  19. 6 cylnder I'll check that site out
  20. Kool probably see u out there. Just look for a white LTR450 with number 43 on it. Not bringin my bike. Needs new bars and top triple clamp. :fro:
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