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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. Sweet. Here comes the carne on the que. The Beers are goin down.
  2. Hey I'll say nothin. My team is the Cleveland Browns. We haven't seen the playoffs in decades.
  3. Hey dman what happen to those chargers
  4. Hey looks like Super Bowl is goin to be GREAT.
  5. Looks like Thursday for us in So Cal. You guys soon after.
  6. Well I didn't get sh!t. I'll say this though. Glad we can all find out if somebody owes use $. Good luck trying to find $ from Uncle Sam
  7. Hey that's cool Now all we need to do is find a lake up north with really thick ice.
  8. Hey RAGDOLL just stay on DDR. Otherwise we won't have anymore awesome clips That was COOL DUDE. Nothin holds those guys down. :rainbow1:
  9. Hey regarding the picture. Make sure it's a jpg format and if you still have trouble (Personal Message) Pete (dunefreak) he is the Prez of DDR and will help you. :monkeedance2: Good Luck!!!
  10. Hello Danielle, That is very responsable of you. I have a 9 month old and go with peeps that have lots of children as well. I personal think that dumont is safer compared to Glamis. Problems happen everywhere and all you can do is camp a little further away from crowds and not go on busy weekends or go during the week if you can. Stick together on rides and hey I always bring a couple of niece's that way I got 4 sets of eyes on my son. The peeps of DDR are GREAT to camp with :monkeedance2: and they all keep an eye out for eachother and their families. My advice to you is keep meeting peeps on this GREAT site and go campin with us. I would love to goto Utah to ride. Nice meeting you. See you in the Dunes. Chris
  11. Hey cul-de-sacs are definitly in. I'm a member for sure. :monkeedance2:
  12. Hey Jeff I hope to see out to Dumont soon. Take care of yourself and I hope that you have a speedy recovery.
  13. Hey that's what LA needs since there is no more room. Not even to drive. They can all stay there I'll be in dumont.
  14. Hey I didn't start it!!! That mulet shot is sweet!!! I can remember my bros were sportin those.
  15. True you may need to get back at one of your homeess someday. Think of it is your Trump card I understand the regs. Keep the order.
  16. Pete that was ok. I'll keep in down then sorry. P.S. you can't keep that picture unless you share it.
  17. Hey that's sweet. I'm too fat to even do summersalt. To many pasta dinners and bread.
  18. Yeah it should have been a Toyota j/k for all the domestics That Ford truck is still the sh!t Nice find.
  19. Well I thought we all like the floss. NOT THIS ONE (unless your just demented) Looks like its time to hang it up or throw away really RichardCheese your a funny dude. I went diggin for this one.
  20. Now there something I always have to check. Good eye blue.
  21. Yeah!!! Alright Did anybody think that quad was goin in the house?
  22. Hey Rannder we all want to see your first car pictures on DDR. you know which one. runabout wiping down is great on the rail. Air compressor is awesome and easy. Good info Bro
  23. Hey that would be the sh!t And It would probably give you the sh!ts as well.
  24. Yeah right up against that hill. Sure would be fun though.
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