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Larry Mason

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  • Sand Toys
    Yamaha YZX1000R SS XT-R
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  1. I am brand new to this site. I use to be a member but dropped out for quite a while. So why am I writing this. I just happen to sell Yamaha Generators and I am getting back into duning. My company sells more Yamaha generators in the nation than anyone else. Just Google Yamaha Generators and we will come up on the top. I know quite a bit about generators. We get calls constantly about a "Yamaha Gen" they bought at Costco or somewhere else. These are generators that have the Yamaha casing but they are not Yamaha's. If you have a problem, too bad. Yamaha will not fix them. The ones at Costco are made by iPower and they seem not to last very long. Yes, Yamaha's and Honda's cost a lot more but they will run for years and years. I am talking 10-15 years with no problems. You pay for what you get. If you use a generator a lot for camping, dunes, etc. I would only buy a Yamaha or a Honda. They are both great generators but you get a little more with a Yamaha and pay a little less than what the Honda cost. No one in the nation can come close to our prices on our Yamaha's because we buy in bulk. We probably sell around 50 a day. Now, let's talk about air conditioners. To start up an air conditioner, there is a surge. Sometimes it is twice to three times the running watts of the generator. To find out how many watts you need, you have to know the BTU's of the air conditioner. An example: take a 13,500 BTU air conditioner. Divide the BTU's by 3.41 and that will tell you the surge power needed to start that air conditioner (just under 4000 watts). That is what you need to start that air conditioner - a 4K generator. If you want a quite one, get an inverter gen. The industrial gens are loud and could harm anything with a micro-processor in it. Now, if you want to run that air conditioner with a lessor gen, get a soft start for your air conditioner (get the Micro Air Easy Start 364). They run about $300 and it eliminates the surge. Now you can buy a 2000 watt gen to run the 13,500 BTU air-conditioner. I have two Yamaha EF2200's that I pair up giving me 4400 watts. If you have two air conditioners with soft starts in them, you can run both AC's at the same time. Oh, and by the way, I run them off my propane tanks and don't use gas. If you want any more info on generators, let me know. I would be glad to talk to you about them.
  2. I checked out many side by sides and all of them make some nice ones. I ended up getting a Yamaha YXZ1000R SS XT-R. I like the reviews on it and I also like using the paddle shifters (no clutch). It feels so much like driving a go-cart in a way. The 1000 cc has plenty of power for the dunes. I used to have a big V8 sandrail and also quads and am getting back into duning after about a 5 year lay off. I can't wait to get back to Dumont.
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