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  1. Thank you so much for this info. We have been going to Dumont for years up until the Hurricane. I was under the impression that the Little Dunes got totally wiped out. This is fantastic news. So there is not much change from the Hurricane coming through? Thank you!
  2. Hope everyone is doing well. I was hoping to get the most recent status on the Little Dunes. Due to a lot of personal issues I have not been able to make it out to Dumont since the Hurricane came through. Does anybody have a good description on what the Little Dunes Area is like? Is there a camping area? Is there a riding area? How does it compare to Pre-Hurricane status? Any additional thoughts for those of us who typically take their families to the Little Dunes? Thank you everyone for your contributions! Be safe!
  3. I am speechless. I barely know what to type. The Little Dunes camping area and a bunch of dunes are just gone. That hurts. Thank you Sandblower for the time and effort put into this...
  4. Thank you everyone for all the updates! Fingers crossed the roads will be passable soon. Also, did anyone happen to see how bad the Little Dunes were? Camping area and the duning area (The picture above doesn't fully show those things)?
  5. Thank you! Been wondering about this. Hopefully the 127 gets fixed before the season starts.
  6. The road is 100% complete now? Or are there a few small things left? Thanks for the update!
  7. G4NON

    BLM ?

    You have to be persistent and catch them at just the right time. I spoke with them today about purchasing a season pass physically from their office and the person I spoke with said they aren't selling them from their office and wasn't sure if that will change.
  8. Guess I better not let the buggies take all the glory. 😉
  9. Oh wow, glad I didn't buy one yet. Hope they sort that situation out.
  10. It looks like they have updated the site to include the season pass options. I have not done it yet so I don't know if it will complete your transaction.
  11. Welp! I feel stupid. That's what I get for sticking to the forum side only. Gonna have to check the news section more often. Thanks.
  12. It looks like we will be able to purchase Passes through Recreation.gov now (link below). I followed the link and under the "Need to Know" section it clearly states that both Weekly and Annual Passes are available but I could only find weekly passes to purchase. Maybe Annual Passes will become available soon. In any case, I think this is great news. LINK: https://www.recreation.gov/activitypass/e210305d-b769-11eb-87ed-16dbf55c498d
  13. "There was one small camp with tents" When you gotta dune, you gotta dune!
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