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Everything posted by G4NON

  1. G4NON

    Cowboy Coffee

    Normally we bring a French press for coffee but last time we were at Dumont we suddenly found ourselves with many requests for coffee. This recipe for Cowboy Coffee is not mine but is a great way to make a lot of coffee in a pinch. 1. Add water to your pot and bring it to a boil. 2. Once the water’s boiling, remove the pot from your fire and let it sit for 30 seconds. This will lower the water temperature to 200°F — the perfect temperature for brewing coffee. 3. Add 2 tablespoons of finely ground coffee for every 8 ounces of water. (You may want to measure how much water your pot holds and how much coffee a spoon you bring holds before going camping so you can measure accurately.) 4. Stir the grounds into the water. 5. Let the brew sit for 2 minutes and stir again. 6. Let the coffee sit for 2 more minutes. 7. After a total of 4 minutes of brewing, sprinkle a little cold water on the grounds. Yes, this actually does help them settle to the bottom. 8. Slowly pour the coffee, so the grounds remain on the bottom of the pot. Credit: www.driftaway.coffee My addition: if you are worried about coffee grounds just throw a filter in the cup before you pour. Stay safe out there!
  2. Totally, just wanted to clarify in case Dumont gets a Red Flag or Fire Watch. Personally I have never looked into either for Dumont nor do I know historically if it has ever been given. Thanks again!
  3. Lifting of the fire ban is great news! Thanks for passing this along. Also, it looks like camp fires are still banned when under a Red Flag Warning or Fire Weather Watch.
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