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  • Name
    Kevin McKenzie
  • Location
    Visalia, Ca
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  1. Absolutely Pismo Riders will come to Dumont. Many do so now. Dumont was the second place I ever duned after Pismo and I was blown away. Our group did 7 straight New Years trips here due to the wet coastal weather. I no longer go to Pismo anymore because of a few bad experiences I had there last time. I still go to Dumont and Glamis, just my choice to stay away on big Holiday weekends because of the crowds. And yes, I remember Richard Cheese lol.
  2. These new duners are coming over from the valley since Pismo is closed. I've camped near them over there and the reason I dont go anymore. The theme is the same. Mariachi music till 3 am and leave their trash. And dont racist bash me, it is what it is, I've personally witnessed it.
  3. I've been going to D since early 2000's but I've never been on Halloween and after this I probably will avoid the big holidays. The inexperience really showed and that Sunday morning exit sh*t show, WTF?. Had a good time regardless.
  4. Oh yes it has. Good to see some things dont change around here though. Oh and excuse my sig, it needs updating
  5. After a many year hiatus from Dumont We'll be back this weekend along with 10 other rigs. I hope I remember how to dune, lol.
  6. Been away from Dumont for 5 years but I hope to change that for Presidents weekend!
  7. Talked to a ranger at vendor row today and he mentioned two deaths this weekend. One in the dunes and one on Hwy 127. I'm guessing this is the accident.
  8. Pete - coming in tomorrow around 3 pm. A pic of someone driving through the deepest part would be much appreciated. I'm hauling my brand new Voltage toyhauler and dont want to thrash it on its maiden voyage.
  9. Trailers are beginning to pull in. Still VERY uncrowded. The dunes were repaired a little bit last night with some good winds. Riding is very good.
  10. Will do! Your group is skipping Dumont this year huh?
  11. Yep! I am camping in the small group pictured just beyond them.
  12. Looks good, will be going for a ride soon to give a more definitive report! :atc:
  13. Theres quite a big group camped out here tonight across from the big hill. But for the most part its empty. Weather is nice and its not too cold...............................yet!
  14. Some minor corrections to your awesome post. The claim to being the oldest tree actually belongs to the Bristlecone Pine found in the Eastern Sierras of California. And the worlds tallest tree belongs to the Coastal redwoods in, you guessed it, Northern California. The General Sherman tree is however famous for being the worlds largest living thing. Its girth, not its height, makes it so. Other notable things to visit up here are Moro Rock and the Crystal cave. Enjoy.
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