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Its Official! Chalk one more up for their side For Immediate Release, April 14, 2008 Contact: Andrew Orahoske, Center for Biological Diversity, (406) 529-7591 Settlement at Oceano Dunes a Win for Endangered Species: Motorized Races Shut Down to Protect a Natural Treasure on California’s Central Coast SACRAMENTO, Calif.— The Center for Biological Diversity reached a settlement in its lawsuit against the California Department of Parks and Recreation that requires the agency to rescind its multi-year approval of an off-road vehicle race and jet-ski competition at the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area. Oceano Dunes are part of a biologically diverse coastal ecosystem on the central California coast that suffers abuse from off-road vehicles mismanaged by the Parks Department. During last October’s racing events, the department allowed thousands of dirt bikes and off-road vehicles to run rampant on the dunes while simultaneously giving scores of jet skis free reign over the water, all without any environmental review. “The motorized circus at Oceano Dunes is a real disgrace. Continuing the onslaught of racing events would be a disaster for this fragile ecosystem. That’s no way to treat a natural treasure,” said Andrew Orahoske, conservation advocate with the Center for Biological Diversity. Under the settlement, the department agreed to withdraw its multi-year approval for the event, and conduct a full analysis of environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act prior to approving future race proposals. “This spectacular place is essential habitat for many imperiled species, and provides a refuge for people to escape the madness and peacefully reflect on the natural world. State parks belong to all Californians, and the Parks Department should not be sacrificing these crown jewels to off-road vehicles,” said Orahoske. Threatened and endangered species at Oceano Dunes include the Nipomo Mesa lupine, marsh sandwort, Gambel’s watercress, La Graciosa thistle, surf thistle, Pismo clarkia, beach spectacle pod, red-legged frog, steelhead trout, tidewater goby, western snowy plover, and California least tern. The Center for Biological Diversity is a nonprofit conservation organization with more than 40,000 members dedicated to the protection of imperiled species and habitat. http://www.biologicaldiversity.org/news/pr...04-14-2008.html
What the hell is a Marsh sandwort? More importantly, why do I care?
Keep informed http://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/local/story/182400.html Big race at Oceano Dunes is illegal, suit says Center for Biological Diversity seeks to ban a popular annual fundraiser pending environmental impact study By Nick Wilson Read a copy of the lawsuit An environmental group is challenging the legality of a popular off-road vehicle charity race that has been held at the Oceano Dunes for four years. The Center for Biological Diversity alleges in a lawsuit that the state Department of Parks and Recreation illegally issued a permit for the fourth annual Oceano Dunes Endurance Beach Race held Oct. 19-21 because it did not study the potential effects of the race on the local environment. That race is the biggest of the year hosted at the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area, according to State Parks officials. The three-day event is a fundraiser for spinal cord injury research and The Clayton Memorial Foundation, which offers financial help to injured motorcycle racers. “Bulldozing, grading and fencing along the beach” in preparation for the race, as well as “disturbance from motorized vehicles, noise and blowing sand” and “impacts from a watercraft exhibition competition” could harm 12 threatened or endangered plants and animals that live at or near the Dunes, according to the lawsuit filed Tuesday in Sacramento County Superior Court. Among the animals and plants that could be harmed are the western snowy plover, steelhead trout, the red-legged frog and the tidewater goby, as well as the Nipomo Mesa lupine, La Graciosa thistle, Gambel’s watercress and the marsh sandwort. The lawsuit by the Tucson, Ariz.-based group seeks a court order barring future races until an environmental impact report is completed, and asks taxpayers to pay the environmentalist group’s court costs and attorney fees. State Parks attorneys declined to comment because they have not been served the lawsuit. The agency issued the Central Coast Motorcycle Association a “notice of exemption” that “states that the ‘proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment’ and that the project is within ‘the normal operations of existing facilities for public gatherings for which the facilities were designed,’ ” according to the lawsuit. “If any activity is approved by an agency in California, it must go through a (California Environmental Quality Act) review,” said Lisa T. Belenky, a lawyer for the Center for Biological Diversity, which says it has 35,000 members. “There’s a flat-out difference of opinion about the effect on the environment.” The race attracts thousands of visitors for the weekend, according to parks officials. The Oceano Dunes is the most popular off-road park in California and the eighth-most visited park in the state, with 2.1 million visitors last year. Belenky said that her group focused the lawsuit on the race as opposed to riding year-round because she believes it was a specific violation of the law in regards to events hosted by state agencies. The lawsuit also challenges the timing of State Parks’ permitting process. The agency received a permit application March 17, according to the lawsuit. On Sept. 27, state officials granted the exemption to an environmental review, and the group alleges that the agency issued a special-event permit for the race Oct. 19, the day it began. “The parks department issued a race permit on the same day of the event without providing the public with an opportunity to review the proposal or comment on the impacts,” said Andrew Orahoske, a spokesman for the environmental group. At this year’s Endurance Race, 17-year-old Maxwell Niederhauser of Utah died after crashing his vehicle. His death is not part of, and is not related to, issues in the lawsuit.
I heard it will not be at Pismo but they are showing dates on their website http://www.centralcoastmoto.com/mc/page.do
I heard the enviros won this battle and shut it down.
I'm thinking about doing this too. Picked up a kit at Costco fo $89 bux this weekend. Says its enough to do a 2 car garage. Can you tell me what they used? two coats? sealer? details please
4.399 at Tehachipi Texaco yesterday. I had no choice, was on fumes. Do I win the prize?
Possibly going to CP early June mid-week. Does the campground sell out mid-week? What kind of temps are we looking at?
I drove one, wasnt impressed with the low end throttle response. When i came back from the test ride, those cheezy black hub caps just fell off, and wouldnt go back on. It costs a few ben's more than the other 450's too and for a first year model? I dont know.
Have you done the fitness test? It runs you through a circuit of a little tennis, bowling, & baseball to see how good you are. Then it gives you a score thats supposed to correspond to your age. Baseball was my best. I hit 6 staight homers, one was over 500 feet. My personal score was 38 and my 13 year olds was 68 so he's on a mission to best my score now. Lots of fun and yes, sore the next day. I gotta get in the gym.
She looked alright here
Hmmmm, tell us more about that...
This year the show will have the first ever Bako Sand Blast this will include, ATV drags and a Dune Buggy Jump contest.
http://www.calshows.com/ Friends of Oceano Dunes will have their buggy on display. Buy a raffle ticket, support the org, and perhaps go home with a buggy. Full list of exhibitors (offroad and rv related companies bolded) 3- D Sand Cars 4-E Guide & Supply 4-K Labs B B & D Quality Water Baja Pirates Fishing Fleet Bakersfield Rhino Barrel Barn Big Game Hunting Maps Bob Silva RV C C & C Marine California Deer California Dept. Fish & Game California Redwood Signs California Striped Bass Center Captain Jack’s Tackle Carson Trailers Central Sierra Outfitters Circle H Outfitters Clark Outdoor Sporting Adventures Classic Eyewear Clovis Marine Comcast Country Reflections Cutco Cutlery D Dashhugger Diablo Motorsports Inc. Dove Island Resort Down Under Enterprises Dry Creek Mini Barns E Eagle Hats EarthEyes Sports Optics ECO Water Embroidery Wholesale Extreme Motorsports F Fisherman’s Warehouse Fishing with Gary Mirales Fresno Bass Club Fresno Boat Works Fresno Fly Fishing Club G Game Trackers Africa Gibson Duck Blind Covers Inc. Golden Wilderness Packtrains H Haggard Cove Resort Healthy Gourmet Heritage Log Homes Of Central CA. Hobbytown USA Houseboats.com J J & B Trading Company Jacuzzi Premium Spas Jimi’s Treasures Jimmy Morales Fly Fishing K Kern River Chamber of Commerce Kitchen Kraft L Lifelike Taxidermy Lorance Electronics M Mathews RV Metal Revolution Mule Deer Foundation N Nature’s Select Pet Products Next Step Communications P Pacific Marine Center Packer Hats Port Protection Adventures Porta-Bote International Q Quad City R Rain Dancer Charters & Inn R-Mac Properties Ricky Mitchell Kayaking Robin Kohls Outfitting Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Roxanne’s Birkenstock’s Ryer Ridge Retrievers S Sharpe Solar Energy Shasta Fudge Sun Empire Foods Sunnyside Chiropractic Center T T & T Liberty Safes Team Sports The Safe Company Todd Wittwer Guide Service TrendWest Trinity Alps Marina Trophy Show Productions True Sage U Unique Sterling Silver V Valley Cycle & Marine W Wagon West Beds & Leather West Marine Western Outdoor News Whitewater Connection Inc. Wilderness Unlimited Wishon Village RV Park X Xtreme Motorsports Y Yosemite Sierra
This poll/thread is important but a small part of the whole process. Since I cant hope to actually ride each quad in a dune situation I have to listen what others are saying and riding. I did the same process when I was searching for a toyhauler. Besides posts on this and gd.com I lurk over at exriders.com and the atvconnection and a few others. I also have read all the shootouts and scour you-tube for vids. Its all good and not a waste of time. Thanks for all your comments.
I've never understood the complaining about rust from Pismo. I've been to Pismo 37 times since 1999 (Yes, I keep track) and I never use WD-40. If you wash your bikes after every trip you should be ok. I also cover them everynight. As far as camping on the beach, they let a 1,000 campers on the beach but that limit is only ever hit on the holidays and on the summer weekends. The best month to go is October because the weather is still good, no crowds, and they take down some fences they erect during the summer to protect the Plover. This lets you stretch out a little. If you have a 4wd and you air down to 20, you should do fine. Just go with others who could pull you out if you do get stuck. Sometimes it just takes a little tug. If this discourages you, try Pismo Coast Village RV and trailer your rides to the beach.
St. Anthony gets my vote. We went in 2005 and decided to make it an annual event. That first year we stopped at Little Sahara, Utah and duned for 1 day. The main attraction is Sand Mountain; a 700 ft comp hill and a few big bowls in the back. But after riding the big bowls at St. Anthony we've never been back to LS. We stay at Desert Oasis Rv. Here is the site for SA info Duneratt We've also been to Winchester Bay twice. Really like the tree runs and the hill shooting but not for rails imo. Here is the best forum for Oregon Sandwizards
Hmmmm, interesting.......
I'm bummed I missed it. The Dellanini's are good peeps. Did 66Cummins and Mscatena make it? btw, what/who are Kamprats?
I just found that on google so dont know anything about em. Here is the post I was talking about http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...rvice&st=97 This guy is from Valley RV repair. He even said he would come to the dunes. Anyway, his number is permanently in my cell phone
Pahrump RV Center 1941 N Leslie St Pahrump, NV 89060 (775) 751-8045 And there was a guy posting on here who was considering providing RV service to the dunes. All I did was take down his number 775-764-7125. I'll look fo the post
At this level, its the rider that makes it fast. just MHO.
So you Yamaha guys/gals would buy another YFZ, thats what I'm hearing here I guess.
The DS450 is also interesting. Wild new non-weleded aluminum frame. Got 2nd in the ATVSport shootout behind the KTM (not that I give that any weight cuz I know how mags cater to the mfgs). The guys who've ridden them claim they have excellent handling and after a pipe and a k&n they are extremely quick.
The added width would be nice in the dunes. What do you think of the aluminum frame of the Kawi? We ride Pismo a lot so I was thinking of the rust factor but wondering about the strength factor.