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Everything posted by Kevlar

  1. This is what I know Yamaha YFZ450 - Probably more of these around than any other. No reverse, Non-Efi, $7,099 Suzuki LTR450 - 50" wide, EFI, 3 inches wider than the competition, $7,399 Kawasaki KFX450R - Aluminum frame, reverse, EFI, 2007 Sport quad of the year, $7,399 Honda TRX450R - New Showa front shocks, non-Efi, $6,849 Can-Am DS450 - Aluminum frame, not welded, connected by aerospace fasteners. Claimed best power to weight ratio, EFI, $7,499 KTM 450XC - Non EFI, $8,749 Polaris 450MXR - Ktm motor, Claimed to be quickest, Magura hydraulic clutch reverse ,$7,199
  2. I am in the market for a new 450. Just curious what quad you would buy and why. It will be riden 80% in the dunes and 20% in the desert. No woods or mx.
  3. After I broke a rib over New years when the DS landed on me I seriously considered hanging it up and becoming a full time Rhino guy. Everyone, including the Doc told me; "You're not a kid anymore" But Doc I feel like i'm 25 still. (I'm 46) Skyskier, you've inspired me to stick with it. Thank you Never slow down, never grow old. Tom Petty When you stop living, you start dieing. Annonymous
  4. Kevlar

    Bowl Names

    Thats cuz I made em up! Thanks for the link and the true location of the Super Bowl, thats what I was looking for.
  5. Kevlar

    Bowl Names

    Yeah, I guess your right. I'm gonna go play the 3 word game. Much more interesting. Jeez
  6. Kevlar

    Bowl Names

    Ok, I've oriented the map so North is up and added some landmarks. Not sure if the fingers have a name or not so I came up with some. The funnel is that tiny bowl just east of the super bowl, the one thats difficult to get out of if you find yourself at the bottom. The Wall (need a better name) is that long tall wall just east of the pro bowl. The Face is the tallest flatest part of the biggest dune. Gimme some more ideas on the section behind banshee hill
  7. Kevlar

    Bowl Names

    nah, the one I'm referring to is just west of the Super Bowl. I'm calling it the Pro Bowl, cuz only All Stars can play there Can't believe there are not more place names at Dumont. Glamis has Olds and China Wall, St. Anthony has Choke Cherry, Dead Horse, and the Devils Dune. Dumont has the South and North pole?
  8. Kevlar

    Bowl Names

    What is the name of the huge bowl in the attached image, at the placemark? It does have a name right?There is also a very good sized bowl almost directly south of that one thats really fun too. Are there any other bowls or areas that have been named?
  9. Does BLM publish numbers? How many people do you think come to Dumont on Thanksgiving or Presidents weekend?
  10. Hmmm, I noticed a sharp increase in the amount of the LEO's. One I talked to was based in Palm Springs so these guys are probably getting double time. Could this be part of the reason?
  11. Bummer! I really wanted to make one of Mr. Cheese's famous get togethers, any chance on making it on Sunday? :freakin_nuts:
  12. Monday afternoon and the wind is picking up, 18mph.
  13. We will be arriving Friday. I here there is possibility of some light showers. Hope that quells the dust. We are gonna try a new spot, anyone tried E14 or F14? Is the sand soft out there?
  14. This is the old San Remo with different trim. Just an old run down hotel. casino is small, elevators are sketchy, sorry not much to take pictures at. the highlight though is the $16 all you can eat ribs at Dan Marinos. Someone told us they will emplode this soon.
  15. on edit: i deleted what I originally posted. Suffice it to say, I wont be staying at Hooters again.
  16. Should I bring my camera or will I be dissapointed? :eatdrink021:
  17. I'm curious why no one camp up by the dunes? Also, did the machines in those days climb to the top?
  18. Valleyrv, have you looked into becoming a regular vendor at the dunes? Of all the ideas on this thread, rv repair, fresh water, and holding tank dumping are the best. Here's an idea, come out for the next big holiday weekend and see how you do. At the very least I'm putting your number in my cell phone. Cheers.
  19. I'm bumping this cuz I want to know as well. I've always wondered if they monitor any of the various bands out there; FRS, GMRS, CB, VHF, UHF.
  20. Doh! your right, next time I better check my sources. :mc_smiley:
  21. Glad you guys had a good time. Sorry we couldnt make it. btw, Limp Bizkit and Korn are both from the Bakersfiled area.
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