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Everything posted by Bound4Dirt

  1. Yep! I guess it would be a good joke if I said it right
  2. Hey, through my web site on there and I could swing some money too PM me and let me know.
  3. I hear complaints about going to "people" and complaining and nothing gets done about them doing their job. Is this something a County Supervisor could handle? Maybe go up the ladder and try that on a city or county level and see what is done. It's kind of like Arnold's wife Maria doing speaches about women speaking out, being on the "same team" as the guys in the work force, being equal. So, I go to my daughter's softball game (home) and see their field they drag by hand VS the boys field which was freshly painted and they have a machine drag the field. I told daughter she wasn't allowed to drag the field by hand and have the coach come talk to me. They never did. Anyway, so, I call Maria and send her an email and fax (Even sent one to Arnold) and I did get a response. Guess what? They weren't interested and he wants my vote... I called him and left him a voice message, "Don't quit your day job as an actor"!
  4. See if this helps Bob not yet...ok, try this or Did that help teach you?
  5. Which year Chevy? The Duramax with the injectors in the head?
  6. And Bob says I have to much time on my hands...
  7. I have had back problems for 10 yrs. The first time you usually heal pretty good. I have L4/L5 and S1 bad. I have had a few MRI's. Buldge is between 4-8mm. Don't bending over for anything and don't lift anything over 50lbs. Period. Trust me. If they are going to do "Fusion" get a second and third opinion. If they are going to do a discectomy then that is better. But, it can happen again. You have a 20% this will happen to another disc just so you know. With the discectomy, they usually last 10 years or so. I heard fusion is the same. None of this is forever. Go to P/T and have them get you some strength for your back it will help in your every day life. http://www.spine.org/articles/discectomy.cfm Any questions, PM me.
  8. I like my 7.3l. Just got a 4" exhaust for it. Need to get it installed.
  9. I agree. I get them from here. Cheap. $20 shipped in most cases. https://magicracing.3dcartstores.com/Front-...kets_c_257.html
  10. My prayers are with your family. (Insert praying smiley)
  11. I was thinking the same thing! Where is the gas tank?
  12. Aren't most 2-strokes? They are great for kids. Some adults get them for wife's they are cheap and try to "coach" them into thinking they are fast. Stock ones are slow. My 11yr has a 1999. Slow and great for her.
  13. Well, wife let me pick my Christmas present out and I ordered a new turbo back 4" exhaust. Anyone do this? How does it sound? Really loud on the streets and highway or? (insert truck smiley) Thanks for feedback. http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.a...mp;autoview=sku
  14. It's that time of the year. Our neighborhood got hit the other night. I would LOVE to catch someone in the act. I have ZERO problems keeping someone at gun point while I confirm if my pure breed shepherd will take a bite or two. The contractor who did our add-on said he has no doubt. But, I would have to know Then of course I would call 911. Ps. Nothing was taken from our car, but the door was open when I woke up. Bob "barefootbob" has his car gone through too. To be honest, none of us guys in our neighborhood are small guys, and we are all tight with each other. I feel sorry for the kids who get caught in our neighborhood.
  15. My mom just got the Polaris 500cc full-auto and 4x4...VERY FAST! I think my dad got it for her for $3200. Told him if he sold it I want first offer. Wife wants it. http://adcache.atvtraderonline.com/5/8/5/87001685.htm http://www.atvtraderonline.com/caddetail.h.../5/87001635.htm
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