I hear complaints about going to "people" and complaining and nothing gets done about them doing their job. Is this something a County Supervisor could handle? Maybe go up the ladder and try that on a city or county level and see what is done.
It's kind of like Arnold's wife Maria doing speaches about women speaking out, being on the "same team" as the guys in the work force, being equal. So, I go to my daughter's softball game (home) and see their field they drag by hand VS the boys field which was freshly painted and they have a machine drag the field. I told daughter she wasn't allowed to drag the field by hand and have the coach come talk to me. They never did. Anyway, so, I call Maria and send her an email and fax (Even sent one to Arnold) and I did get a response. Guess what? They weren't interested and he wants my vote... I called him and left him a voice message, "Don't quit your day job as an actor"!