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Everything posted by Bound4Dirt

  1. I'll 3rd that. The Chevy's (new LBZ) kicks butt.
  2. Just say the Dodge sucks and this way I can tell Bob I told you so...
  3. This could be never ending. While I never got the impression anyone was fighting, the point was made and everyone is informed on what they could/should do on a purchase. For that, I say...Thanks.
  4. Pretty sure.... :freakin_nuts: Mid? I was in 4th and NEVER saw you beside me. Yes, in 5th he did pass, but, I also let off. Very rough surface out there. Around here we call that the "Barstow Race"... IMHO I can take both bikes he is talking about. When and "if" he ever gets the Craptor out of the service shop, we'll race. As for now the UN rules say I hold the title.
  5. I didn't see this post. What did the manager say? Get a fax number and maybe we can fax bomb them on the subject.
  6. What would you like to see done? Complaining on DDR will get nothing done. You need to either call them, write, etc. A few say they did call. :freakin_nuts:
  7. I see both sides. My older daughter owns a 400ex. I am not going to sell it just because of what is being said. Although, when it comes time to buy another, I will 100% use it to weight out my next purchase. If your really bothered by it, tell them your going down there next Sat. and put a sign on your SUV and state what they do. I am sure people will see it and ask you questions. This alone could make them withdrawl their sponsorship. :freakin_nuts:
  8. I still say it is a private dealer doing it not Honda Corp doing it. Look at the address. It's local.
  9. It looks like a dealership NOT Honda Corp. giving them money.
  10. They are located in Victorville, Ca. on their way back from Loma Linda coming up the Cajon Pass the helicopter went down. All three died. My mom had to use them a month ago while out on her quad and was transported to Arrowhead Medical Center. My prayers are with these families during their loss. God speed! (insert prayer icon)
  11. Who has the cheapest deal? http://lukesracing.com/Merchant2/merchant....tegory_Code=HCP
  12. I heard there is plastic paint, then others have said its all in the prep work. Not sure if that helps.
  13. Been doing some reading on SVO. Anyone done this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waste_vegetable_oil
  14. Didn't know that. Let me know if it does work though.
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