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Everything posted by Bound4Dirt

  1. I saw the edit, did you pick yourself at first? :xmas_cool:
  2. Laughing hard...I put that on purpose..... :xmas_cool: :xmas_tongue: :xmas_cool:
  4. All of us skinny guys raced a few weeks ago on our daughters 70/90cc quads up and down the street... :xmas_cool:
  5. I'll check the name..Forget who made them. They had the square frame and what not.
  6. My kids actually one of the adult tricycles (back in the 90's). I'll bring it....
  7. If you can't remember or the know how2 put a oil plug in...I HAVE NOOOOO WORRIES. :xmas_cool: :xmas_tongue: :xmas_cool:
  8. You can find those cheap. They have some torque I hear. I found one in the paper today for $3200 if I remember.
  9. I agree. Although, on the '05 450 VS the '05 Predator, both riders were equal. Actually, they even switched. Who ever rode the Predator won in that case.
  10. What do you call a doctor who graduates last in his class? A doctor!
  11. File a complaint with the state board. His insurance will go up with just an investiagion being done. This can be done online.
  12. That's right. It's a '04 Predator I must say using my $3500 quad to beat a $7500 quad is the best thing for breakfast!
  13. Hey guys (ladies) I bought daughter a 1999 Yamaha Blaster which she loves. I notices it idles a little imho, but while she is riding it is perfect though. Is there a idle adjustment? I have looked every where and can't seem to find it. Thanks. Update: Found it, seat needs to be removed.
  14. Complain to the Ranger, why do we pay $20 for them to do nothing. Sounds I have my hands full writing letters the San Bernardino Sheriff Dept tomorrow.
  15. Bob is VERY old....You turning 60 yet?
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