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barefoot bob

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Everything posted by barefoot bob

  1. correct me if im wrong but are you not the same person who tried to steal you hubbies truck in your pjs and forgot the alarm remote!!! me thinks hubby is getting a bad rap here
  2. i have the portfolio warranty offered by moss dodge. i can complain they have been ok .i just have to watch them because i also have 7/70 chrysler and the 100,000 mile cummins warranty and one time they tried to make me pay 2 deductables.
  4. lol i wasnt going to say anything but usually your tail lights are wired with the whip one circuit upper lights on one circuit.and lower lights on 1 circuit. no fan switch. and your gps should have a power button no switch needed there. and you have another labled 12v switch ??? and if you put the tail/whip circuit on a 3way you can run the dome off of it. just a suggestion to reduce the amount of switches. my three way controls whip and tail and lower lights. but i do not have a dome light so................... but if you park with the running lights on like at the hill its always good to have the whip on to easier not to forget. So you dont wind up with a yamaha hood ornament. those quad guys are
  5. i wanted it done but to late my car looks like frankenstien now luckily though most of the new add ons are hidden behind the panels
  6. ill get to work on i that right away
  7. i dont agree with this. has there been some sort of study to see what effect soapy water has on the ground?? and if so how is it that if it comes from a tent its not a health hazard but out of a camper it is?? what sort of health hazard is created where is the enviromentle impact study on this ??? i mean my basic school of thought would be rotted food from the sinks getting on the ground would be the only viable threat. and with this train of thought, a tent camper, dumping his cleaning water on the ground, his water has a larger chance of containing solids in the dishwater .where a camper is less likely cause it goes into a tank and has a better chance of collecting the heavier stuff at the bottom and at minimum lessening these effects. making a rule with no impact study or any proof of a problem is as bad as making incomplete or fabricated studies. such as the millvetch plants. there are far more serious things going on than grey water. it seems to me that they should have passed somthing more along the line of you must dig a 2 foot pit for tent campers or regular campers and you must bury pit before leaving. soap is biodegradeable, and most of the area on the flats sustains no plant life.
  8. i was running the s with the old style shift forks u.s. ring and pinion and no trans cooler and i put over 700 hp to it it still has not broken. with said however i am upgrading to putting an albins ring and pinion, updated shift forks and a cooler. it just depends how you treat your car. :whacky101:
  9. on a serious note its a game of words constatuting nothing. you could have reworded that 3 different ways and got a different profile on any 3 of those men. the abortion question was easy i got it right without trying. and the congresional line up could be reworded turning them into saints where ever you found that there not very profound just manipulative but maybe its a good piece to make those who blindly vote think before they react :whacky101:
  10. he has the same sickness i do highdesertitus and i dont mean pot we smoke midol out here
  11. is there an audio version i wanna biuld one but i cant read
  12. this was the car i was talking about in the monter thread .1200 hp? easy its a 427 twin turbo. there getting 1100 out of ls1's refer to dnc chevys posting about the ls1 pickup . tranny who knows but that car up close is awsome and the guy who owns it has money to burn trust me its 99% garauntee hes spot on !
  13. invisarail pic rox !! me in the woop section
  14. so far i think you have lost alot of money if you were wagering
  15. :dance: :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts: awwww mt very first as the sand blows aaaaaa memories er mameries
  16. you want to drive my sand car see above pick and reconsider even asking me ! wow !!!
  17. scratch #3 you better get up a chad vader story...........
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