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  1. sorry for the music... it was made a long time ago
  2. found this while digging through very old videos... 2007 maybe? Not really sure... potato quality sorry...
  3. I can't believe he kept it... I know he had offers from race shops back east that wanted to get a look at that thing. At least they sent messages to me and I pointed them his direction.
  4. Bike is still gone but at least the supercharger from the bike has come home after ten years in a nasty garage covered in dirt and rats...
  5. Thanks Sven. nah I just do it for fun... the DJI goggles help alot. You can really see where you are flying.
  6. Can't really call it four stroke wars anymore...lol
  7. Wish I still had mine but I would never race again unless I won the lottery or something. I'd just build a big duner or something and be done with it. But I have dogs now so all my money is going into the truck.
  8. lol, nah I don't mind really I just thought it was funny how much of their video is clips from other peoples videos. after all I never asked Rob Zombie if i could use his song.
  9. someone just published a video on Dumont Halloween... I won't link it here but it used a tons of clips from my video and one of the other Dumont hallowen videos...lol even has a brief shot of you Pete when we were walking to the stage... must be nice right? Why take any video when you can just grab all the clips you need from everyone else... ha ha.
  10. In case you guys missed it... or in case you were glad to see it go...lol here is the stage getting shut down by the police at comp hill.
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