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Everything posted by rich807
I'm not happy with my Alpha liner at all. I've had 2 chunks about a dime's size each on a wheelwell flake off right down to the primer...I also had the coating rub right down to the metal in one small spot on the headboard top just from a nylon strap touching against it on a 1-way trip from Dumont to Vegas . What ticks me off is the only thing my trucks' bed gets used for is basically a place for the quad to ride on dune trips. Other than that I put an aluminum tri-fold ramp back there and a couple of minor odds and ends (gas cans etc) Matter of fact my truck isn't even a daily driver let alone a "work truck". I called them before I had it even 1 year and got the run-around about we'll have to look at it and give you a price to fix it...and/or check and see if I bought a warranty with it WHAT?????? I threw a fit and said I had paperwork that said "lifetime warranty" and their website last time I checked said lifetime warranty. Never did bring it back but again I personally am not happy with it.
Thanks for replying truthfully I do think duneguide.com is a cool resource for duners. What I'm scratching my head over is you've admittedly had many folks graciously donate content to your project yet you would not reciprocate to Jon for his small-scale "public service-ish" site for us poor folk that can only afford old-school buggies.
Ok, here's something I'm curious about. Someone asks you if they could use your picture(s) on their website and you give permission. Would you think its ok for them to put their "stamp/copyright" on the photo?
I spent 4 days at Glamis Pad 1 over Prez wkeend last year, camped within a stone's throw (or 2) of the dumpsters. Never saw any trash on the ground and never saw any dumpsters overflowing. Do I want to pay extra for dumpsters at Dumont, no. Do I want to get some appreciable service from the BLM out there for my current money....yes. They should be able to put some big roll-on/roll-off containers out there at least 4-5 times a year over the big holidays. It's high-time we start demanding accountability in the fund expenditure arena. They have the money currently, they just choose to spend it on cops that aren't doing jack for us.
Dont waste your time when injured.....
rich807 replied to GraywolfGraphics's topic in Dumont Happenings
I heard that many of the Docs in the Pahrump hospital are ones that rotate back and forth between there and the Vegas hospitals. Moral of the story is you can get bad service anywhere. A good lesson to take away from this is not totally just "stay away from Pahrump" but to seek out a 2nd opinion as soon as you get back to your family doc or to another medical facility you're comfortable with after any appreciable accident. Also, I agree 100% with Ross' comment above, there's absolutely zero excuse for not completely examining patients with impact injuries. Terry should not be dead today, he had a ruptured spleen from his fall that was on the x-rays and they missed it.....again, zero excuse for that. -
Who's not going to continue on as a FoDD board member?
Those are 2 separate issues really. Crowds are one issue then getting something back for the fees we pay is another. Until they demonstrate they can give us some tangible return for the investment (even if that's only enforcement) then they should have no leg to stand on when asking for more money. Someone is going to get killed on one of those metal pipes that those inconsiderate a-holes are using to cordon off their own private sections of the finger dunes. The bad part is enforcement of that would be so easy for an officer to see and act on. Same thing for some enforcement of the speed limit on the access road.....it's only a matter of time before there's a major head-on out there due to the dust and excessive speed some people drive down the road. On Thanksgiving we had someone cut off a bunch of us pulling out of the checkpoint! I mean, the guy made it to the top of the plateau litterally 1 second before me thanks to him driving around/cutting off a bunch of us that were otherwise acting in a civilized manner. I hope that extra 1 second made his trip more than what it would've been if he hadn't have cut us off. Again, easy to enforce if they'd put someone out there once and a while. Unfortunately a growing segment of society cannot act appropriately without a cop nearby.
6 year old Maynard & his pal Charlie Yo Yo
rich807 replied to Ross and Alice's topic in General Chat
We have a guy in the air force with the last name Blohme. He pronounces it Bloom but you know how everyone else pronounces it. -
Those of us that are the targets of the rant are the other guys that care about Dumont i.e. you're somewhat preaching to the choir. The problem some of us that are passionate about Dumont have is that we've seen a steady decline in the duning experience out there over the last 4-5 years while at the same time being zapped with a heavy fee-for-access (that's essentially done nothing for the average duner out there save for getting a blade dropped on the road a few times a year mostly around big weekends). The bottom line is there was more and better enforcement out there BEFORE they were getting their LEO coffers lined with our cash. Now they want to float a test balloon about raising the fees....LUDICROUS. To paraphrase a post on another board.....all they LEOs seem to be doing is hanging out at Comp watching the honeys roll by in their Rhinos". There's a lot of truth to that. . You guys that have been involved with the FoDD over the past few years know the Lion's share of the fees collected go toward Law Enforcement.......where the heck is the enforcement? It's all fine and good these guys can hog the funds and set up the typical self-licking ice cream cone where they get their buddy on the LEO gravy train and he gets his buddy on the gravy train etc etc etc. Oh and when you drain that well dry you cry wolf and ask for more money.......it’s Government-Management/Finance 101. There are serious issues (safety and general enjoyment) out at Dumont that Law Enforcement should be addressing for us: - People using pipe and rebar to cordon off big acreage for themselves - People cordoning off actual dunes for themselves i.e. sectioning off portions of the finger dunes - People burning & littering big items - Pit Riding/Speeding in the flats and around camps - Borderline unruly behavior around comp hill allowed to take place in their presence It pains me that we’re to a point in this situation that we’re actually asking for law enforcement for our money as a means of at least getting some tangible return for the fee. We should be talking about other issues like why don’t they provide some tangible services for the RVer (who make up the vast vast majority of users) out there i.e. immaculate road, dump stations, water source, trash serivice etc (don’t get wrapped up in any of those items, I’m just using them as items we could be discussing as potential realities instead of wondering why we get almost nothing for our money). I must say that we absolutely appreciate everything you guys do as far as being on the TRT but the rants can go both ways.
So why is everyone saying the owners were nowhere to be found?
Dont waste your time when injured.....
rich807 replied to GraywolfGraphics's topic in Dumont Happenings
I've heard from some friends that live in Pahrump that they avoid the place at all costs, said everyone there knows to avoid them. p.s. I've heard the same kind of comments about the Barstow Hospital. -
I regretfully have to report that a member of our group died Sunday night as a result of injuries suffered in a Friday afternoon quad incident. The details and a Donation link (to help cover funeral expenses) for the family is located on the dumontsanddunes.com site. http://dumontsanddunes.com/forum/showthread.php?t=306 Any kind words or donations would be tremendously appreciated by the family. This one hurts, Terry was a decades-long Dumont Duner that was as experienced and careful as anyone could expect. Thanks in advance to all the DDR folks. Godspeed Terry, you'll be missed.
Godspeed you guys! Your families are in our prayers.
Seems like there's 2 camps, those that think no cage would hold that, and those that think a roll cage should be designed to withstand crashes appropriate to the performance of car it's attached to. I fall in the latter camp but I am not badmouthing or criticzing those that think no cage would’ve held up. You folks have a right to that opinion, and you can choose to ride in/buy any design you are comfortable with. As an aside from the main purpose of this post, I have an issue with is some of you guys that are protecting personal friends in this particular accident i.e. whomever the mystery builder is. If this guy was qualified in all the fields he needed to be qualified in then I see no reason why it’s such a big secret. It’s already going around that the car was built in Bullhead so I’m sure more will follow. I said it before but if you know the builder and or the owner you are biased in this discussion, that sounds harsh but it is the fact. My post from this point forward is directed toward those people that are not satisfied by what they see and would not like a cage to collapse on them in a similar event. I would ask that those of you who think the cage performed acceptably respect those of us that differ from your opinion. Some of us want to free flow of information in order to learn from this tragedy. As a forward (from this point) I will say that I manage a machine shop. I’ve been showing the photos to various professionals within my complex. Some of my employees have been involved in various forms of racing for decades and have done race vehicle fabrication. They are not definitive experts, as they don’t specialize in sand rails however, they are professionals that machine and fabricate for a living. I talked to my mechanical engineer (he has a college degree in mechanical engineering & 40 years hands-on experience in the industry) as well as 2 of my machinists/fabricators today about this event. Long story short is they all independently told me that cage was an utter failure (for a multitude of reasons). For a significant number of us unrelated to the victims or the “ builder” this is obvious. I just wanted some professional opinion one way or another. Some lessons I’m taking away from this event: Modern sandrail building should be left to professionals, preferably Degreed Engineers, metallurgists, and the like. If you build one in your garage then you’re betting your life on you knowing all you need to know about all the critical disciplines involved with the structural safety and integrity of that car. That’s ok if that’s what you want but also, you’re betting passengers’ lives on your “expertise”. If you allow one of your buds build you one in their garage or even if they own a “welding shop” or whatever, you are betting your life and any passengers’ life on their technical know-how (or lack thereof). Think about it. I also had my guys look at various brands of "retailed" cars and the car on the DDR.com banner. The bottom line I got back from them on the banner car was they thought the cage design was horribly inadequate in a variety of ways. They also saw serious flaws in many of the LT chassis being marketed today. Again, if you're ok with a roll cage that will only protect you if you turtle over at 5-10mph then ok, that's your choice. My problem is I guarantee you 99% of the people that buy these cars think the cage has been engineered to protect in most crash events. Unfortunately, that is not true for a number of chassis on the market now. Any form of sanctioned auto racing has reviewed, verified, and proven safety standards. From local NHRA, local NASCAR, local IMCA etc to the big leagues where each team and the sanctioning bodies themselves have armies of engineers and medical staff constantly strive to make sure the level of safety surpasses the performance of the cars. Sand rails have no sanctioning body standards to meet. Its buyer bewares. Educate yourself on what level of safety construction you are satisfied with and what makers meet and more importantly don’t meet your build standards. Do not ride in other folks’ cars that are not built to your level of satisfaction, it could mean your life.
Some official tidbits for those inclined to follow the hard facts that come out in this case (item #7): http://www.co.san-bernardino.ca.us/coroner/PressRelease.asp
Yes I agree and this horrible incident is what also brought me over to the site as well. Kudos to DDR.com for having a lot of info flowing. I am very concerned about my family and friends' safety and want to follow this story out as far as possible. Hopefully that is all the way to some kind of official report from the LEO community. If not that at least we can hope more info comes out from within our ranks. Deaths happen a lot more down at Glamis, so much so I think a lot of folks down there are numb to it. Deaths are much more of a rare event at Dumont and when one or more happens there it really shakes the community hard. Dune safe brother, Rich
First off, it goes without saying this is an absolute tradgedy and it hurts across the duning community even though most of us didn't know the folks that lost their lives in this incident. Most of us in my camp physically saw the wreckage at the site and I will say it put a tremendous damper on the rest of our entire groups' weekend. NOBODY wishes that on anyone, it's just aweful. I'm a little disturbed at some of the reaction on the board toward people asking legitimate questions. I hope it's just because some of you knew the people that passed and are still emotionally leveled by all of this, that is understandable. I don't think anyone is out to get anyone in regard to the incident, the driver made a terrible mistake and payed a horrendous consequence for it. What's done is done. Now, why not take the opportunity to make something good come out of an otherwise tragic situation and learn any and all lessons we can from this aweful event. IMO, any fatal accident at any dunes should be fully investigated and the findings disclosed to the public. The ultimate in my mind would be an impartial investigative /review body comprised of law enforcement, chassis builders, and perhaps some other members of the duning community such as someone on the TRT etc. This is just one guys opinion but in my mind if you personally know the builder of any car involved in a fatal incident then you are inherently disqualified from looking at the event in an unbiased and objective manner. It is also my opinion that holding back the maker (either the company or an individual) of any vehicle involved in a fatal event is doing a disservice to anyone running that chassis or anyone actively involved in deciding what chassis to buy. If we can get decent unbiased facts after a fatal incident people should have the right to access that information in order to make an educated choice. Yes, none of the above information will bring back the folks that lost their lives last weekend BUT I we can be guaranteed one thing for sure, holding back information from other duners will have absolutely zero chance of perhaps preventing deaths in the future. Again, it's NOT about pointing fingers at whomever built this car, it's about potentially improving car design to help TRY to prevent deaths in the future. Once again, everyone I know that dunes are so sickened by this terrible incident it's unreal. Godspeed to the folks that passed and we have their families in our prayers.