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Dune Dad

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Everything posted by Dune Dad

  1. The last year we camped next to the Rock Pile over by Vender Row.. We liked it there. It was easy to find at night for the adults, the kids could ride their quads in camp that along the side of the pile than back into camp. I am really BIG on SAFETY with kids... I feel the Rock Pile is a safer area for now. We will be camping on the east side of the pile. Our Rv is Silver and white with a 16ft Silver Carson Utility Tandem axl trailer. The flag pole has a Black Pirate flag with a Red, White & Blue let light on top. If that does not help than look for a lit up Giant Sponage Bob on top of the R.V. Hope to see some DDR'S that weekend..... Lets all have a Great Safe time !!!
  2. Were thinking of going out the same time... Wed 29th to Sun 02. Its going to be good times.! :dumbass:
  3. Get yor pass off site.. .... Still sucks.... J/K... It just seems like a good idea on paper, but I think not having the people there to sell tickets may back up the lines more than usual. I guess we will just see how it works out soon enough.
  4. Whose going to Dumont the weekend before halloween: Weekend of the 25th & 26th...? And whos going the Halloween weekend: 31st to 02nd ? Just trying to see what weekend would be best for the kids and the adults... We like the dunes when its busy... The kids lik vender row for all the things to buy.. I just want to go out and not think of anything but and ... So whos going when ....?
  5. The BLM is so LAME!!!! Looks like Im buying our pass somewhere else!! This is going to take forever to get in... Thanks BLM! What a bunch of :clown:
  6. Just found a Class A... Its in really great shape. Its a 97" Fleetwood 34'. The guy selling it is selling everything including his business. Thanks for everyones input.
  7. The pix look like everyone had a good time!! We would like to ride there some day, It looks like a great place! Thanks for the pix!
  8. Stupid Question.... But.. This Halloween Weekend is from Oct 31st to Nov 2nd right ??? I was thinking it was the weekend before... I know.. DUMB AZZ Just trying to get the correct dates. Its just about :beerbong: Season
  9. All this information has been great.... I think we are going for the Class "A" Moho..... We have the storage thing covered.. Were on 3 lots. The Trailer is covered also.. Carson 7x18 Utility w/brakes. Now Im having a real B*#CH of a time finding a good used unit!! "I guess theres another topic" There is SOOOOO much junk out there!! I have found some A Classes from around 1997 to 2002 in the price range we can handle... But WOW there are so many units for sale and so much junk. I have been looking at dealer lots in the Inland Empire and the Riverside areas. LOTS OF !! :ah: Thanks all for the info again! You all have made very good points!
  10. I am looking at some of the R.V.s for sale/ Class A/ Class C. Im thinking its easyer to own a motorhome than have to deal with a Diesel truck and toyhauler. In my case the only reason to have a Diesel truck would be to tow a Toyhauler. I dont own a Diesel. We have a 99 1/2 ton "P.O.S. :poop: Chevy" Suburban 4x4, 2 Tacoma 4x4s. and a Construction Van. Nothing for towing.. What im asking some of the DDR's is ... what are your thoughts on Motorhome ownership. We have rented a few in the past. It just gets to be a real pain in the a$$ dealing with the rental co's. I cant see owning a 40+K Diesel Truck with fuel costs and the over all expense of Diesel ownership. I know a few people that have diesels for everyday driving. They are looking for cheaper rides and have been parking their trucks due to high cost of Diesel fuel. My family likes driving out in a Motorhome than being stuck in a truck the whole way out to the dunes. In the motorhome if the kids need to use the bathroom you dont need to pull over, If they get hungry they can fix something on the way. So lets hear what you think......!
  11. I thought it was a good episode on the kind of idoits that are out there!!! LOL!! My friend was behind the FAT guy carrying the guy on the board from the banshee/rail comp hill crash during Halloween. He was wearing his green gear with his helmet on top of his head... :beer_bang: :mischevious: ..... Hey Jeff next time try getting in front of the camera!! LMAO! As for the Deputy trying to get Medical Aid over by the Super Bowl... I was thinking also that a GPS system would be a good idea... Just a thought... The dumb a$$ kid driving drunk in the white chevy truck at night along the comp drag.. :drunk2: His parents must be so proud of him now... Hope there will be more episodes. Would like to see some of the good times we all go out for instead of the very little that happens during the whole weekend. Way to make duners look like a bunch of puke FlatBillers! :flatbiller:
  12. Soo true DuneFreak... Im thinking that the combo of high fuel and a poor economy will really thin out the crouds this season. Sucks....
  13. Gas prices in Big Bear Lake, Ca... as of 06-01-08. Diesel: $5.19. to $5.49. Pending on the gas station... Reg Unleaded: $4.39 Super Unleaded: $4.79+ WTF is up with the fuel...?!?! Its everyone!! Were saving for this next dune seasons fuel not the trip..! LOL! Its looking like the food and whatever else that goes with the dune trips is going to be no problem... But the gas ... Damn!! What the hell you going to do...? Were going to pay no matter what! The cost of :flowers: today has really put some in a pinch.. The is that traffic may lighten up going to work and going home. I think this next dune season we may see a little less of a crowd during Halloween, Thanksgiving and Prez Day... Just one more reason to :rhino: at the Dunes! LOL!!
  14. Soooo.... Anybody get any pix....?
  15. Hey Mike!! Im trying to get some friends to camp out near the Slash X for the weekend.... Woody is right.. The whole place is a giant camping area..Im trying to camp closer to the Slash X.. But remember there will be a lot of people out there and things can WALK AWAY. Lock your things up!! Ill PM you with my number... Maybe we can set up an official DDR site..LOL! :beer_bang: :6pak:
  16. Some of my friends and I will be there!! :shocked2:
  17. My friends and I are doing a ride to day out of Big Bear to Pionner Town, around the back side of Johnson Valley than back in to Big Bear.... You doing your run next weekend??? Let us know!!
  18. Sounds like good times!!!! I went for a ride with some friends out of Big Bear on my Xr 650r to the Slash X Bar near Barstow than we rode home that night all offroad.... The full moon was unreal just as "Sand Chick " said!! Hope everyone had a safe trip home!! Lets see some pix!!!!
  19. Dont forget about not enough BEER!!!!! :rainbow1:
  20. Well put!! All of our toys are paid for. I have always kept our life style within our means. The Cars and trucks are also paid off. We make the dunes 1-2 times a year. "Would like to go more" We rent RV's and tow the toys out. Im glad now that we didnt buy an R.V. Its easy to enjoy it for a couple of days than turn it back in. All I was doing by putting in this topic was trying to see how the over all trades are holding up... It looks like california has been hit real hard so far. I am a Painting and Drywall contractor. We do everything from Residential & Commercial work, Custom Faux, custom Lacquer, wall paperand so on....I get as dirty as any of my workers do on our jobs. During the winter months I work for the county Doing the Snow Plow thing with heavy Equipment. Its steady work when the snow is flying. . . Im still in amazement on how many Repos & Foreclosures that Im seeing!! :angry2: WOW!!
  21. I am a contractor in the So-Cal Mtn area. The last 5ish years have been good but this year has really slowed down. My business has dropped off below 50%. I have always lived simple but some of my other friends that are contractors are really feeling it. I was just putting this out to see if any other DDR members that are in the construction fields may also be feeling the slow down also... I know its not the end, but we are seeing a lot of people loosing a lot of things...houses, toys and what ever else. Anybody else??
  22. Looks great!! Thanks for the early report. We couldnt make it because of work or the lack of.... Looks like good times!! :rhino: THANKS!!
  23. Hummer 1 + to fast in the dunes= WOW! That is unreal... I have neven seen a hummer1 rolled. Iv seen a couple in traffic accidents but never on its lid! Glad the guy is ok... But still... WOW! That guy has my vote for the pick of the month!!
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