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Dune Dad

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Everything posted by Dune Dad

  1. Try hanging a "Plastic Owl" in the trees or off the highest point of your house. Hang it with a 1" foot line like stove pipe wire or fishing line. I have done this at my house because of Woodpeckers attacking the siding on the house. It works!!! Just try it! I bought the owls from Lowes. Flying Rhinos, Hippos.... What?!?!... WTF!!!
  2. Very Funny... Those protesters need to get a life! Save our dunes? Give it a break!!! But what you really need to look out for are the trail or dune traps some of these tree huggers set out for us O.H.V.'s. I have run into a couple of traps in the last couple of years. One was a thin cable set between two trees about 4 feet high.. That was a close call, We cut it down! The second one that got me was a cut plywood board with nails on both sides on a steep trail. I dont know what gets into these "Hippie Pukes" wanting to hurt people just trying to have a good time! What im trying to say is... Just remember that these Hippies are the kind of people that take it WAY TOO FAR!! these tree hugger puke dirtbag loosers! P.S. Next time get pictures of that kind of thing!!
  3. IS IT DUNE SEASON YET????? Good Times!! Lots of . Can't Wait for next season!!
  4. It does not matter whos name is on the toy hauler or the truck... The License Plate is going to give the info on who did this. If this person is flying someones elses company name than so be it. That company probably would know the truck or something like that. Usualy if someone has a large sticker like that on their rig they probably had some work done by that company or know someone that works there. As for approaching this kind of person out there, I dont think that would be a very good idea! Just report them and let the Rangers deal with them! Just remember that you will have to be the one that witness the act and press charges on that person. You may have to go to court. I think if we just look out for each other and keep on taking care of our vacation spots like Dumont than that will help keep our areas open longer.
  5. The next time someone sees something like that again, get there license plate number than report it to the BLM or local law enforcement. You maybe asked if you want to press charges. Than you may have to go to court. This kind of thing is unacceptable!!! :angry22: There are many places to dump your R.V. waste. The fees are usually small if not free! How do you think this guy would act if someone was to dump there R.V. in his front yard! People like this is whats going to shut down all of our riding areas!
  6. You have got to be kidding!! Thats too much!! I can't say that I have never done something like that!!
  7. Im afraid of running out of BEER and Trick Fuel in the middle of nowhere!! :dance:
  8. Great job Cole!! That was really cool! Not bad for the first time.
  9. Im There!! I want to see the kind of B.S. they will be throwing out there!
  10. Hey! The quad looks great. It looks like you guys had a great weekend!!
  11. Put some pix of the Warrior at the dunes! We have to see it!!
  12. WOW!! Thats HEAVY... I like the whole Go-Cart thing . My friends and I made a couple of those Carts with no breaks and found out the hard way! Not only did my friend knock out some teeth when he hit those trees but back then it was no big deal! I still laugh out of control when I think back! Reading your statement made me feel like I was a kid again! It makes me think of all the crazy stuff we have done as kids. GOOD JOB! Im fowarding that to all my friends!
  13. My friends girlfriends purse was stolen out of her new jeep in henderson a couple of days ago. She said that she parked and locked it in the driveway of there house around 3pm. She was inside the house for about 30 minuets. When she came back outside she found that the soft top back window was unzipped and that the purse was gone! :smoker: They live in a gated community in the Henderson area. What the hell is wrong with people today!?! The theif got her credit cards, $80.00 cash, drivers license and anything else thats in a purse. The good thing is that the puke that did this it was caught on store survlance buying gas! Hopefully its only a matter time until this guy is caught. A theif is nothing but a worthless puke idoit! Its to bad they didn't catch him in the act... Just keep an eye on your stuff DDR! It seems like Henderson is a real hot spot for theft.
  14. Id hate to bottom out that thing on some sharp rocks! Looks expensive to fix!
  15. Dealing with unruly kids can be kind of tough. You can ONLY do and say so much to these kids and that usualy does no good anyway. The parents on the other hand can be even harder to deal with. It usualy goes something like.... Hey kid don't do this because its wrong Blah, Blah, Blah... Than the parents get so IRATE :argue: because you said something to there kids! Then you are in a heated argument :argue: with an IDOIT parent or even worse, you are fighting this moron! :argue: It is just not worth the problems. The best thing is to let Law Enforcement deal with it. 'If you can find one" They get paid to deal with idoits like those people and when they get out of hand they usualy get to cool down in the JAIL with all the other tough guys. KEEP YOUR COOL!!! On the other hand if you get to the point of no return with one of these loosers... Make sure there are NO WITTNESS around!
  16. Yea its COLD everywhere now! The last couple of nights here in Big Bear Lake has been -5 to -12! During the day has been averaging in the high teens...Everything is FREEZING! The lake totally froze over in 24 hrs. I cant believe Vegas & Henderson has been getting snow too ! WOW! Winter is here with a VENGAENCE! This keeps up everyone will have to start putting skis on the front of there quads or up grade to SNOWMOBILES!! Keep it warm DDR! LOL!!
  17. Would your buddies homeowners insurance cover the theft cost of the property? Some policys "If he digs a little" will cover such a cost! I have taken burglary reports in the past and have found that the homeowners have been reimbursed for their property loss and damages. If he does have the proper coverage than they should cover any shipping costs.
  18. We have both 2 & 4 strokes. My Honda Xr 650r has been a great bike... Plenty of power and can go much further than a 2 stroke, But it is being rebuilt from the lower end up at the cost of $1875.00!! Thats just the motor.. I have put about 6-7 thousand miles on it from all over So Cal to Colorado in the last 4 years... And yes even Dumont!! But this is the most expensive over haul I have done yet!! I've always changed the oil on time and have kept the proper maintenance. Im really like'in the whole 2 stroke thing. You can go out and have a good time with all the power and speed you want and if it blows up it won't cost an arm and a leg to fix!! We just rebult the Banshee for about $700.00 and that was the from the crank up also. The 4 stroke toys can ALL run on the same gas, " No Pre-Mix" and last a lot longer. The 2 strokes are just as fun, but don't cost a much to fix.
  19. Yea! It snowed here in Big Bear Lake 4-6 Inches. Iv been plowing for 16 hours. People drive so damn stupid when it snows. My wife was hit this morning going to work by some idoit driving to fast. :angry2: He thought because his truck was lifted he could just drive as fast as he wanted! I think it totaled our Suburban... Gotta love the skiers! Does anyone know if Dumont got any snow?
  20. Very Funny!! LMAO!!! Hee Hee Heeyyea Heeyyak Hee Hee!! 2 Frkn FUNNY!! Ha! Ha! Ha!
  21. GAUD That is tooo FUNNY!! :dance: :fro: Now I remember why I dont get Sh!# FACED anymore!! He's the mayor "PUKEVILLE"!! :smoker: :shoot: I have not laughed that hard in years! :dance: Welcome to BARFVILLE!! :surrender: Population YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. 80Grit and Happyhour are right!! Sylmar is a HOLE!! Simi Valley/ Santa Clarita/ Ventura are very good communitys to live in! I have a friend that is with the L.A.P.D. :dance: and he hates working that area!! Its like North Town Las Vegas but x10! There is nothing but Gangbanger punks shooting each other :fro: and stealing your SH#*! Do you remember the North Hollywood B of A shooting back in 1996 or so... That area is not to far from Slymar! Really try to stay out of the immediate valley area if you can. Burbank or Glendale is a good area to live in but is REALLY EXPENSIVE though! And as for the traffic... I used to commute to that area for 6+ years! It sucked! It is like the 15 & 95 "Spaghetti bowl"on a friday or saturday night! When rush hour hits your stuck! As for the night life try the Sunset strip in the Hollywood hills area! Its unreal! :dance: :shoot: :bash: :fro: But stay out of WEST HOLLYWOOD clubs next to Beverly Hills, its boys town!! In all.. Yes you will be entertained with the L.A. club scene :surrender: :smoker: and the everyday freak show people that crawl out at night! Glamis is on the Baja Mexico border off of the 8 hwy In Imperial County south of San Diego. Its about 3 1/2 or so from the L.A. valley area! Some of the local bike shops can point you there! FYI.. The Gecko area in Glamis is like a war zone during the big holidays. We usualy camp down by Border Town or the wash areas by there! GOOD LUCK WITH THE MOVE!
  23. Can anyone post the info on this shop?? "Adderss and Phone number" Thats BAD A$$!!!! Did someone say they do bikes and quads?
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