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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. Cause ya'll are young wipper snappers, which gives you an advantage. Can I have a Senior Discout?
  2. Is there a girl class or maybe a Senior Class
  3. If I got a 4 wheeler, would that count?
  4. Thats why Hostess has now started to sponsor him.
  5. NEEDED!, for regatta At 70 :atc: for ya
  6. :?: Dead azz to the curb. She's a friggin Super Model and has two of his kids. so we know they did at least twice. She can make her own money she doesn't need his useless little :B :poop: I think he has Little Wood syndrome thats why his use such big a one on the golf course.
  7. There was no number to call or I would have. Unless..................... you see something I don't. do you have the number?
  8. Here ya go. What do Tiger Woods and baby seals have in common? They’re both in danger of being clubbed by Norwegians!
  9. I got it, went to the add and tried to email, but it would send. I really wanted it.
  10. I have done about everything I could and I can not get an email to go through. I wonder if he still has it. If someone wants to try if for me. That would be great.
  11. This should be fun if the wind isn't to cold. Tech inspection Friday night on water street. I think the race starts a 12 noon on saturday. For more details http://www.bitd.com/
  12. If I could find a damn 70 I would trick it out with a basket, a bell and girlie things. Then race like a mofo. Crash then be laid up the rest of the weekend. I still want a 70
  13. The lastest picture of Tiger and is ever so lovely wife Elin You go girlfriend. Lets see what happen the next time he even thinks about cheating. I hate cheaters.
  14. Only cause he takes good pics. Dry lake last weekend just before the storm hit. http://www.sbellphotographyblog.com/
  15. though I don't know you, I pray for the best in your recovery. Now the the real business How do we sneak you a Big Cheese Burger and Fries???? Hospital food has go to suck. Get well soon!
  16. We saw a red car with ton of people around and 3 LEO cars around it at comp hill on Thursday night. We we just down from them on the front row at comp. Was that Randy???? :beer_bang: We ran the hill a few times then just hung out for a while. Never knew what really happened. Looked like they were working on someone in the car. Then they all left and in the back of the truck it looked like a couple of tires and some guy working or staying with someone. Hope all is well the them.
  17. Locked, Loaded and yet to go. :beer_bang: :beer_bang: Sand at 10
  18. Is this group photo still going to happen on Friday.
  19. Rub a dub dub in the sand tub. Looks like everyone is having fun. We'll be ther about 10 thursday morning.
  20. No thanks I'll shower in the MH. Or take a sponge bath with the 9000 wipes that I keeep in stock all the time. I think I packed enough wipes for just any application.
  21. OK I DELETED MY ORIGINAL COMMENT. NOW DELETE YOUR ADD QUOTE. I SAID I WAS SORRY. LETS DROP. PLEASE. GAWD 1. You must not have been on this site long, because that is what happens here all the time. 2. They will see that I posted up a link to help out the families of our fallen Heros. And that I am the only one that did. Did you or anyone else. Have you made your donation yet. Probably not. I may have made a bad comment ( tho not one that hasn't been said before) but I did more to help then any of you. So take your nagging azz and go do something positive for the families other then cappin' on me. Again, I said I was sorry, let's drop it. I am not a bad person. Most of you know that.
  22. OMG! :blonde: :blonde: :blonde: I really don't know what to say, How about about I was steering stirring my hot coco and was not paying attention.
  23. Oh please! C'mon man! Like we haven't been "very distasteful" when it comes to other unfortunate people out there and ran their situation into the gutter. Little girl who lost her feet. FYI! I DID appologize tho. Whatever, just donate to the families of these fallen HERO'S, and let the distasteful comment go.
  24. Yes I did. The only thing I can find wrong is where I got a little :B with the "when you a vendors" but what else is wrong. Your stirring wheel does not come off?
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