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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. I can't wait to see it. It is blocked at my work. I'.. catch it when I get home
  2. My ex's Ford (older ford) smoked when under a load. My never had a problem. Welll............til the tranny blew on my way to Laughan. Thank sucked. Does altitude effect there performance?
  3. come on. Ya gotta love a cat with a lime on it's head. OK! it's ok "Come on skyz it's just not that funny"
  4. Me too girl. I love the kids. Maybe, Just maybe I can save a lost soul.
  5. Now Lets be nice to the elderly. You can use my electic chair. We'll get someone to throw on an A-arm lift and some badass rear suspension. with a walker attachment. Just kidding. :icon_twisted:
  6. Thanks Bob, I think that is what he is going to do. He is really smart about building things this is his 3rd or 4th. First LT tho. It has been a long road. Like I said before, half the sh*t you order is wrong. Even the frame. It came without stuff that was order, BUT did come with side panels and hood. I learned alot, thats for darn sure. It'll get fixed fo sho Oh Look at the time. time to go home :icon_twisted:
  7. 2 Guys Football Playoffs 60 beers 1 bottle of Tequila 1 Kitty 1 very large Lime
  8. The car build won't attach. Sorry! It is to big. Well try later.
  9. OK i don't know what the deal is, but I'm gonna email it to you freak and maybe you can make it go. effn thing. I have been having a heck of a time with attachments these day.
  10. here it is Dan__s_Car_Build.mov
  11. We Need WAY more of you bp guys. You guys use dogs. (malinois) aka maligadors, jaws with paws). I have two of them. Glad you like what you do. WE sure do.
  12. OK I asked they are are 2.0 shock with 2.5 coil, all the way around, top and bottom. He said he called King and ordered the shocks, just figured they would send the right stuff. RRRRight!. Notings has been what is should have. It is hard to build your own car. order again send back order more send back again :dunce: You gotta be really smart to build your own car. He is Did a super good job. :fro:
  13. I am not sure. It is not my car. I just helped build. here is a pix. maybe that could tell you something. I'll ask him what they are, Other then King 2.5 coilovers I'm just a girl
  14. I was givin' freak some sh*t. He knows that. Don't be grumpy dman. We had a long bed to pull our 5 wheel. (with I was married) It was a Ford (Im not a ford person but) darn thing could pull a house.
  15. What? My fingers have a mind of there own. OH! and half the time I can't spell.
  16. I love my job. They can't fire me unless I bring a gun to school or have any affair with some student. I get lots of days off. I have 610 hours of sicks leave on my hands I make OK money Enough to own my own home. So yeah I am dedicated. Besides I really like the kids. Its the some of the parents that suck.
  17. Thanks Pete. It was alot of work. I did a Side show of the build and layed it down to a Scorpians Song. Came out pretty good. The shock thing is kind of a mystery and the listing to one side. I'm just a chick.
  18. Long Bed. I have a short bed but I don't tow anything with it but my Waverunner or golf cart. Why Is Pete's truck on the rack. Does it need work.. Must not be a One more thing only because I'm a b*tch. This thread should me moved to Truck Sh*t Talk .
  19. The back shocks have to come off the car AGAIN I hate doing that it scares sh*t out of me. Really is no reason to, but I am. They have a little bow in them and the car leans to one side. We think they sent the wrong size springs. (2.5) Need to look at paperwork and see what he ordered. May need bigger shock. We were bottoming out we shouldn't have. The front A-arm is scraping the reservoir so it needs to be moved forward. He knew that there would be some tweeking after the shake down but................... OK thats all
  20. I forgot all about those guys. I love the phone one. Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Now that right there is some funny sh*t. Thanks :beatup:
  21. OH! My Freakin" Gawd :beatup: :shoot:
  22. My observations 1. Pete is taller then I remember 2. The ride from the South Pole got a little hairy with so many people, so we peeled off and took a ride ourselves the long way to the North Pole. 3. Never camp where there are as many dogs as people. Thank goodness we didn't. 4. Kelli likes Captain and Snowmen. I wonder if it is still has a head. :beatup: Hope that was OK Pete. 5. I always take to much food. 6. Wheelieing up Comp is Hella Fun. (got to do it alot this time) 7. DDR Peeps Rock Can't wait to go on and ride with some of the other cars. 8. CaptainKirk and his friend are really nice. (Nice car too) 9. Guy who broke this axle is REALLY good natured. Guy who towed him to the and back to camp is the kinda friend everyone needs. 10. Note to self. (Put the damn camera back in the case before leaving the south pole.) Found it yesterday lodge between the computer and the the frame. 11. I couldn't win one game of Horseshoes. 12. Last but not least. I didn't get to see the Invisacar. Darn. LOL Looks like County Workers. One guy working everyone else supervising. :shoot: We thought and Snowman was a nice addition Had a really great time and the weather was perfect. Happy New Year to All DDR peeps
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