Oh My! Let me think.
!. Jump back on my Bow Flex and get a tight a$$.
2. Be niceer (thanks SMURF) people think I'm a b*tch
3. Run alot more with my dgos.
4. Find a new friend.
5. Way more home improvements. I do have the powertools.
6. New veggie garden (given) they are so fun.
7. Get an NOS bottle for my Golf Cart. (You'll undersand when you see it)
8. Love who I am
My dog would love to catch a kitty, but last time he did they fought back and its friends chased my dog across the street and into my gargage. In his defence he was a puppy.
Maybe in the old spot. But, I think boy is thinking by the rock hill. :mc_smiley: It's his sh*t not mine. I'm just along for the :mc_smiley: and cooking, cleaning, and well you know :north_pole:
B Complex, WATER, gatoraid, Do the gatoraid in the morning. helps with dehydration, B-Complex and water at night. Water is good throughout the swilling process.
I got some girlly stuff, 2 copy of the first season of Reno 911. ( now I have 3) KIds pay attention. Powertools, work gloves and a hose with attachments.
His a pro 'cause of that bada$$ car and
'cause he talks so damn much :fro: and Thats 'cause he drinks to much coffee and thats cause he drinks to much :dance:
Don't know if I'm gonna make to the x-mas party Freak. My kids and sisters might ALL come over to my house. :dance: They wanna check out my Coola$$ fire pit. :dance: So wtih that said. I might try to make it down to PT's tonight. It's just around to corner. What time?
Awww! Tha is so sweet. All girls should have their own toys. I love my golf cart. I even have a scarf to match it.
As long as I still get to drive the car.
Boy what I said last maKes me sound like a really Beauch! Sorry! Didn't mean it like that. And if it makes you feel any better someone stole the head of my snowman last night. :fro: