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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. Oh My! Let me think. !. Jump back on my Bow Flex and get a tight a$$. 2. Be niceer (thanks SMURF) people think I'm a b*tch 3. Run alot more with my dgos. 4. Find a new friend. 5. Way more home improvements. I do have the powertools. 6. New veggie garden (given) they are so fun. 7. Get an NOS bottle for my Golf Cart. (You'll undersand when you see it) 8. Love who I am :fro:
  2. My dog would love to catch a kitty, but last time he did they fought back and its friends chased my dog across the street and into my gargage. In his defence he was a puppy.
  3. I finally found Dumont on Google Earth. I passed 1000 times. Thanks for the map freak. I used the cordence at the bottom.
  4. Need that for in front of my house. We always wondering back and forth, two and fro,
  5. Maybe only a 24 hour thing. And you'll be better by tomorrow :praying:
  6. OHHH! I am such a dork. Maybe I was and just alittle bit dyslexic. South to North then North to Comp. got it.
  7. Maybe in the old spot. But, I think boy is thinking by the rock hill. :mc_smiley: It's his sh*t not mine. I'm just along for the :mc_smiley: and cooking, cleaning, and well you know :north_pole:
  8. Theres a place off Sunset and Boulder Hwy. Check out the yellow pages under Golf Carts.
  9. Oh! and before bed works alittle. Unless you pass out first.
  10. B Complex, WATER, gatoraid, Do the gatoraid in the morning. helps with dehydration, B-Complex and water at night. Water is good throughout the swilling process.
  11. Pick up the Yellow Page (Embark) turn to page 1017 there are 3 places on Nellis, and afew other random ones. We got some form Firewood Unlimited
  12. I got some girlly stuff, 2 copy of the first season of Reno 911. ( now I have 3) KIds pay attention. Powertools, work gloves and a hose with attachments.
  13. His a pro 'cause of that bada$$ car and 'cause he talks so damn much :fro: and Thats 'cause he drinks to much coffee and thats cause he drinks to much :dance:
  14. Wha'st a orages? :xmas_wink:
  15. GLOBEL WARMING my arse. If it's Globel warming why the he!! is it so freaking cold here. :xmas_wink: Almost had another snow day.
  16. That is awesome! Make sure to eat right and take lots of vitamins.. Gluecosamin (I so can't spell that is great for bones. Hang in there :jester:
  17. WTF. I like to refer to it as G-pool cleansing! Stupidity IS painful. As it should be
  18. Nope Sprint won't work. At least not for us.
  19. Don't know if I'm gonna make to the x-mas party Freak. My kids and sisters might ALL come over to my house. :dance: They wanna check out my Coola$$ fire pit. :dance: So wtih that said. I might try to make it down to PT's tonight. It's just around to corner. What time?
  20. Just keep in mind. You might BLIND the person behind you. Just a thought.
  21. Awww! Tha is so sweet. All girls should have their own toys. I love my golf cart. I even have a scarf to match it. As long as I still get to drive the car.
  22. Boy what I said last maKes me sound like a really Beauch! Sorry! Didn't mean it like that. And if it makes you feel any better someone stole the head of my snowman last night. :fro:
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