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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. Just so you don't have to add so many smilies to your post. So............................Here's your sigh................or smilie
  2. Dam Economy, How busy do you think the dunes will be Well is far as I know the Dam Economy is doing pretty good. Everytime I go to AZ it takes 30 min. to cross the damn Dam. Then with all of the widening of the road on the other side. it's a mess. :blonde: Just hoping for the best dune season ever.. :B
  3. #1 Limited funds, they do the best they can. Go to a TRT meeting and maybe you will understand. Better yet join FoDD. #2. Because it's their job. Is it October yet?
  4. Then you stuffed your car in the back of someones pickup. Gotta love fast little car's.
  5. I need to pick up one of those little cars for the Peeps. I still haven't done a Peeps do Dumont. I don't want to pay very much money for it, cause I'll only use if afew times. Then the Peeps will be hella fast, faster then Paul.
  6. Instead of using your lights inside all of time, put a bunch of those LED votive candles. Battery operated and last for ever. I put all over the MH. Nice ambient light is all ya need to go wee wee or grab something real quick. The battery candles come in all different sizes and colors.
  7. :beer_bang: Hope you didn't get hurt Smurf. I saw that pic and it reminded me of my Holiday Peep Show Dude you OK? Yeah I think so. Those friggin trees came out of know where and through a boulder at me. Dude trees can't throw rocks. Like hell they can't. Look at my qwad.
  8. Glad you guys had a good time. Weather must have been perfect. And you're not talking TRASH or any racist crap, gawd I am so sick of that. I so want to go to Coral. Now bring on the pics.
  9. I hope the cat has a good time. Looks rather un-amused at this point.
  10. I need a Peep Prop Box. I am collecting to much crap to fit in a backpack.
  11. Awww thanks, ya know I try to keep them as natural as possible. I don't like/want to add a bunch to suits, pasties, arms, hats, etc. you know. It's fun to have to work around their disabilities ( No arms or Legs). The Peeps will always prevail no matter what. Sometimes a fail, but always an Owned.
  12. i try to keep it mostly kid friendly.
  13. You guys and gals are going to have a blast.
  14. I have to agree for sure. It still doesn't make me Pompous Azz any different.
  15. yeah! you can buy brown peeps. They are chocolate, just like the brown cat peeps you can get at Halloween/ The bird had my daughter and I laughting so hard. We were just sitting there grabbing to rays, and watching people walk by checkin' out the peeps when the Sea Gull lands about 5 feet away and was just standing there eyeing the peeps out of the corner of his eye. I'm like, Chassie get your camera and hand me mine. We watched him for a couple of min's, he walks closer and closer I though for sure he would grab someone or something. But, he just watches them then for a second or two then walks away. I'm sure he was also thinking And yes the crap (shell) was real and in place when we got to the tide pool. What a great find to add to the pic. Chassie was taking some photos and the live crab crawls out of the little hole. It was pretty cool. The surfing was the hardest to set up. Peeps melt when wet.
  16. I couldn't have pulled if off without the help of my daughter Chassie http://www.contagiousdesign.com/ http://cbandjblog.com/ and her ever so patient hubby Steve http://www.sbellphotographyblog.com/ I'm surprised Chass hasn't figured out a way to cook them yet. Hey chic-a-boo, about that food blog i feel a Peep Tragedy coming on. :headspin:
  17. I think that is what I am going to do with all of them. As far as the people go. Hell yes, they were looking at us going 2 to 3 camears going, us, running around each other. it was pretty funny
  18. Yes, the Peeps had a really good time. But......... not without incident though. Awww! Life is good. Girlfriend, you need to put on some sun block, your gonna melt. Oh No! This can't be good. "TAKE THE BROWN ONE, SHE'S ALL READY COOKED!" Surfs up Dudes! Wooooooo! Whooooooo! Epic waves braw. I'm not allowed to get wet. Ha! Ha! :headspin: I told you to lean the other way and keep your elbows up. i don't have friggin' elbow jerk. Daaaaad! I'll race you up there. Damn kids never listen. How 'bout we roost um' while we're up there. Here they come! Here they come! Get the net ready! Net! Net! Hell with you, I'm catching that friggin' crab Dude! Whoa Dude! Say something to us Dude. I think he's a little clammed up right now. Dude! We'll get you out, just grap the line. Yeah right. I DON'T HAVE ANY FRIGGIN' HANDS Why does this sh*t always happen to me? It just don't get no better then this. Unless your at the dunes. What can I say. It was fun and I hope you have enjoyed this 4th Peeps installment. Oh yes! I am sure there will be more.
  19. She could have worn one of those really cute long dresses. No pants required. We don't know if that was even her babydaddy. Things we do know: She is pregnant. She does not have self esteem issues She can't afford prego clothes and does even want them She is proud of here condition (I'm cool with that) She puts out. And she can strut around in platforms that far along. I thought only Hookers could do that.
  20. Darn it. I really shoot proof read my writings.
  21. Had my share of Captain and Cokes. But I find myself wondering if anyone has read the whole Observations, and caught the Peeps part. OK let me put it in simple terms. Pending Peep Show.... 13 -15 pics. not sure how I'm gonna pull it all together. Maybe Power Point, iMovie, You Tube. All added up. It's a lot of friggin' work. And yes I have no life for 1 more week, then it's back to work. til then? ? ? Random Note: I love this smilie. :fly: Friggin' guys, you crack me up. Would have paid money to have been a fly on the wall. :headspin:
  22. I have about 150 rounds of 40's. But, that all I need for now. I should get more. Staying sharp is important. Beside I don't shoot people that off.
  23. The weather was perfect fo sho. This is the best time of year to go there. Can't wait to go back. And the best part about it is: I GET TO STAY FOR FREE.
  24. Went to Solana Beach, CA this last weekend. What a great time. Stayed at my daughter’s in-laws condo at Sea Side Sur. Dayummmm. I want to marry into money. What beautiful home, over looking the beach. It was a whole 130 steps to the beach. I shot some video of some porpoises just outside the breakers. They was just hangin’ out feeding, floating on top of the water, playing around with the surfers. It was awesome. I will try to upload the video as soon as my daughter sends it to me. My observations: Most incredible place I have ever stayed while on vacation Everyone is so nice and friendly. Food was real good, but over priced. People walk everywhere Nobody drives full sized trucks. NOBODY smokes. At least not where other people can see them. No smoking or drinking on the beach. WTF Watching Porpoises, running around looking for cameras, and to much caffeine makes for a bad case of ADHD. 6:00 am old mans surfing club. Sweet. Lifeguards are still hot. Have said lifeguards drive by smile, then giggle, drive away the turn around come back, stop and stair and a Peep beach seen, then ask. “you have to tell us what this is all about.” They laughed so hard. And told me I should start a blog. Leaving said Peeps beach seen set up and watching peoples reaction. Priceless. Here are some pics. What a view to wake up to everyday. These guys where so close I could have almost touched them. This look like fun. cocktails anyone Piece of coral decoration? You make the call
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