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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. We can start a Tatum club. Sweeeeet ride.
  2. Cole running naked now the middle of the highway. ROFLMAO! Priceless. Cole you rock. btw! (just an after thought) ever thought of waxing. Bet you could jog faster.
  3. Awww! another Dunes Addict COE Driver. LOL! She looks like her big sister. I'm so happy for you 4, and a perfect addition she is.
  4. Do you people understand how hot it's gonna be out there.
  5. HAVE YOU PEOPLE LOST YOUR TOUCH FOR HIJACKING A THREAD! Well I tried. None the less. It really does suck. Kid is going to be messed up for life and is old enough to remember. F'n psycho's are everywhere. And people wonder why my bubble is so small.
  6. I just don't see why you posted this upsetting event. Poor kid is always going to be "It" playing Blind mans Bluff. Going to hell I'm, I'm.. Going to hell indeed.
  7. Hurry damn it! I love dragonflies. Damsel flies are a fav. of mine. They come in so many colors.
  8. Group hug, yeah I'm down with that: :beer_bang: We've all known each other to long. I took this pick last year in the hope of making it my avatar to depict my screen name. I LOVE THE DESERT and sunsets.
  9. Will you start doing my Peep Pic's and post them on your website?
  10. I love my little Sami. Still a work in progress but not much left to do. ok the title is still in his name but position is 9/10 of the law.
  11. I find the quality of the picture amazing. As much as I love taking pic's of wildlife ans such, I would love to buy one. It's just hard to justify the cost cause I want a 70 too. Pete, what do you do about dust when changing lenses, I would be so worried about keeping it clean at all the time. Like out at the dunes. When I take pic's at the dunes at night, it looks like it is snowing. I often thought I had dust on the lens, but I think it is the flash AND my little inexpensive camera.
  12. You two are get your hackles up and making this bigger then it needs to be. Augghhhhh! forget it. I'm over it and I won't mention anything again.
  13. I think I understand how the pic could be taken with your camera skills, but I am speculating on the Moon being directly over the Luxor light which it's not, it's in the distance. I'm going to check with a couple of our Photography and Astronomy teachers so I can FULLY understand how you did it. So with that said, Don't call me a moron cause I question your pic, it's rude and start getting all azzhurt and start I the quality of you pic. Gezzzz
  14. Not to denounce your pic's AT ALL!!! But, can I say Photoshop! OK just a little. The chances of getting the moon over the Luxor, with the light. 100,000,000 to 1. But none the less. GREAT PIC.
  15. I got spoiled. From one daughter I received a round trip ticket to Vero Beach, FL. to party with my daughter and go to beach and hang out with the Manatees. My oldest daughter took me on a shopping spree at Town Square and lunch at the Yard. Funny thing, our waiter and my daughter were talking he says, "I am Vegan." My daughter says, " I'm a Vegetarian," They chat for a few, at which time I but in and say, "Yeah! and I'm having a big bloody cheese burger." Silence is golden and the look on their faces was priceless. Anyway my daughters ROCK!
  16. X100 But, this is how you get the Evil Swine Flu. Awwwww!
  17. OK! thats just stupid. Watch where you walk then. Gawd.
  18. did mine last summer. Pretty easy. Especially when your watching and gettin' the tools. If you don't have one already get an aluminum stand too.
  19. desertskyz


    I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2
  20. desertskyz


    From the same article: I wish someone had given On April 22nd, 2009 Elizabethhensley says: I wish someone had given this test to MY Mother and required her to get psychiatric care before being allowed to go home with me! I am on antidepressants. They do NOT cause "psychosis, delusions, and even homicidal thoughts." Understand the "church" of Scientology puts out this kind of garbage. They also believe human souls were made by aliens. :?: I going to lunch.
  21. That sound cool. I'll check it out.
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