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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. I have some video of the sand strom and would like to post directly to the site and not on you tube. Can that be done?
  2. I'm not going to sugar coat this at all: What kind of Stupid Fool Azzhat Parent would let little kids drive around in a rail, large or small. I hope the dumbazz gets the sh*t sued out of him.
  3. Heard about this from the peeps we camped with Easter weekend. Story goes as was told to me that: A 10 year old girl, with Dad in car, was driving this LT car, went over a dune and took out about 3 to 4 people sitting on the other side. Some were hurt pretty bad. Little 10 year old even had a pillow behind her. :?: WTF are people thinking.
  4. The best time ever! Have only a few pics and some video of the storm, will post later. !. Camping with ex cops is fun, fun, fun. 2. Fastest ride I have ever been on with the peeps in the white desert cars. Good friends, great drivers :ah: they rock. 3. will post more later. I'm going to bed. Spring Break is over. 4. Steve can I have my generator back......please
  5. Consensual behavior. Why question it?
  6. I have an Eagle Feather behind my left ear. Got it about 12 years ago. It is and always will be a Spiritual thing for me. I need to have it redone. My daughter wants to hook me up the some peeps at the Palms, but I haven't stepped up to the plate yet. I will...........maybe.
  7. See you there. I want to get there and stay put. If Bob's princess needs a view and wants to move then......... We'll see. BTW Sorry I punched your dog out for trying to hump me. REALLY! He is the best Red Nosed Pit (pit-bull) I have ever been around. Love Harley. I guess it's a good dog thing.
  8. Will be there. Can't wait to see you. I am so jacked about this weekend. I need a little campfire, good food, peace. Fun not stress, And maybe just maybe I will get to drive the car.
  9. Guess I'm lucky, I have one of each. Verity is the spice of life.
  10. People who have their own name tattooed on themselves. WTF! ya gonna forget your own F'n name. Chicks with full sleeves and too many tattoos
  11. Here is novel idea too............................. STOP BREAKING THE FRIGGIN LAW
  12. yeah great cheese, that gave a real warm fuzzy feeling inside. Now what about the friggin Lit up po-po. I was thinking someone have lit a bag of poo poo on your door step this morning. :poop: didn't happen. I'm kinda in a crappy mood today cause of my Home Improvement mess and no help. (For you own safety, don't get me started my b*tch switch has been locked in the ON position)
  13. This is easy, Get a Mac and stop down loading illegal music and porn. Problem solved. I love helping peeps.
  14. Some restrictions and deposits may apply.
  15. and time and date. We did our part, BBQ some cabobs, burned candles, hung out by the fire pit. Good times.
  16. I have a Coleman Powermate Pro-Gen 5000 on casters he can BORROW. For sure! I like Steve and His wife has always been the sweetest to me.
  17. OK I made to 2:30 before I started to cry, uncontrollably. I try to ALWAYS BE AWARE, Keeping your life in Yellow to Orange Zone will keep you alive and other people, unless someone else is driving. Awareness and Preparedness Thanks for the reminder, I needed it.
  18. Take your puter Dawg, cause I'll start typing all kinds of crap on DDR and be login underyour name. Yeah you now me! Damn it, I gave it away.
  19. Yeah! We are so lucky to have it. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait for Easter Weekend
  20. You are so wrong. Guess you just had to be there. JODI IS INNOCENT! I know cause I was there.
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