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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. I have always used the 2 sides plastic epoxie. Works on all the stuff I do. Not sure it would hold up on your stuff. I was able to fix the A-arm on my Peeps qwad and it's still holding up good.
  2. Can I bring all the crap, that I seem to find, to your house and split it. I can only do so much with my chain saw. ( you have to add in the chick factor)
  3. I've heard it called alot of things but never a VCR. :dance: what would that stand for?
  4. I was under the impression that NOTHING could drink or live in that water.
  5. I love that landing at the North Pole in a helicopter. Classic. How fun would the be. Would be great for filming so dune rides.
  6. Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Karmer adoptes a piece of highway. I think Cheese has found his piece of highway.
  7. I can see now the error in my ways. Official Dune Porter Day was a Not a Great thread idea. I was hoping to :stir: :poop: with DPPETE, Warrior07 or who ever he is. I don't think he gets to the dunes much these days. Hell it is only my second trip due to circumstances out of my control. Official Dune Porter Day seemed like a good idea at the time, but back it fire instead I've discussed my options with my doctors, and they said, learn to spell check and proof read. They wouldn't give any meds for that.
  8. I would love to take MY (possession is 9/10 of the law) sammi. But it is impossible to take the car and the sammi without take two trucks. We'll be there somewhere. leaving Friday early morn. but with any luck Thursday night.
  9. i'm glad you feel better. Now go learn um and damnit learn um good. Casuse if'n you don't they not gonna no how to do's da maf when they git them walfare checks. I CAN'T DIRVE 55. (Sammy Hagar)
  10. How is it for big cars like ours?
  11. Hey, your the one who started this in the first place, so do't be givin' me no smack. :B But if you really think about, it is Dune Porter Day, so come on fell special for a day damnit!
  12. Better know as Friends of Dumont Dunes 7th Annual Dune Clean up. Come out dressed in your finest Dune Porter gear and prepare to get dirty, win a bunch of prizes and help DDR be the winner of the most bags collected. All proceeds to go to FoDD to help fight the fight and keep Dumont clean, safe and a fun place to go for many more years to come.
  13. Tried to but couldn't get close enough. I gotta get a camera like yours as much crazy freaking wildlife I see. I am going to sit out with my video camera tonight and see if I can catch some action.
  14. desertskyz


    Can't find a soundbite from Billy Prestons "Nothing from Nothing leaves Nothing"
  15. Yeah! kinda of crazy huh. Hey! maybe I could get my own Cable Show. I never knew those owls were around here. It was pretty funny watching him rock all those doves world. :ah: Run Fly Away, Fly Away.
  16. desertskyz


    I was thinking the some thing. A complete thread about ab-so-lute-ly nothing whats so ever.
  17. OK i don't know that anyone of you will believe this, but tonight just sittin my garage having a then all of the sudden there is a bunch of commotion in the Giant Tree across the street. Birds squawking and a flapping, I look up and think WTF, there is this huge Great Horned Owl. OMG! He/She hung out for awhile and reek havoc on a few other pine trees close by. Dayum! Badazz! So if you live in the area of Green Way and Heather and have large trees around your hood, keep watch. No! I got off the like yesterday so I'm not making this up
  18. :stir: up :poop: again 'cuse me I hapa code
  19. Got some goodies for you. I'll bring them down tomorrow. Not sure what is there, but it should be good.
  20. desertskyz


    Oh my, my my dear friend. When I first read the title of your post I thought for sure and were pulling it again. Just ask admin to move to funny videos and you tube stuff. My Quick Time can't read it. bummer OFF TOPIC........ got any extra old VW wheels around?
  21. Great, there goes my dish for the potluck.
  22. Since you put you phone # up, does that mean we can drunk dial and drunk text from the dunes telling you what a grand time we are having and wish you were there?
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