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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. guess there is a Peep Show coming. Peeps go to the Dunes. Great.... now I have to buy Peep Props. Should be..............interesting. Someone please help me. LOL
  2. I guess I'm in. This is sooo taking me out of bubble. Will try to stop by and see you Pat, and Rocket. Miss you guys. Let me know if there will be a problem.
  3. Good Lord Terri, How is your back feeling? Crazy. I'm glad you guys are both safe.
  4. How did you know where to park. I understand it can people can be very territorial.
  5. One of the gals I work with said they had a blast too. All the ole folks walk around with their little dogs in strollers. Miles of booths and stuff. So now we affectionately call it the Burning Man for Blue Hairs. Can't wait to go sometime. Blue Hair Burning Man :ahhhhh:
  6. I understand how you guys feel. I remember (before they closed the desert off) we used to 4x4 all over the place out the. Even climbed to the top of one of those mountains, where the park is now, up a quad trail in a Blazer. Used to use all the dirt roads where your house is now Pete as a way to get out there. Then they started to build, and build, and build. Took it all away. Some of the most amazing times of my life were spend out there in them there hills. Even have pic’s to prove it. But alas, no more. So they build the park! Well, we couldn’t go out there in motorized vehicles anyway. With that said, what the Hell. Might as well do something with the land and give the state yet another way to waste our money. I guess people feel the need to feel like they have a safe place to stroll and take their little mutes. I was really, really pissed when they started build all those houses and shut us out of the desert. But what really pisses me off is the fact the people go out there anyway, dump their trash. One dude and his drunken buddies let of a bomb (or something that sounded like one) :blah: Anyway, I do feel your pain Pete.
  7. yeah, sometime around there. what a fun weekend. funny............so we have sort of met. LOL
  8. That is Bert to the left. In the big pic there are alot of other people. Pete, Steve, I think Jill might be around there some where. Where you out there that day we decorated the South pole? It was just after they had put it up.
  9. Yeah, I did word that like I was wondering about the guy, I really don't care either, but talk are revenage for the chick. I was more curious if anyone knew them. And how the heck did she end up with the rail.. Maybe it was hers. Nevermind I don't even watch the damn show. Carry on Peeps. I like Rootbeer Milk shakes.
  10. Anyone know anything about the guy that lost his rail in a divorce and his ex wife sold it to Pawn Stars for 18,000.00. One of the cops I work with told me about it today.
  11. Hoping everyone as a safe and happy holiday, and a bunch of cocktail. Merry Christmas
  12. See ya this weekend. Remember "Coors Light" or do I still have to bring my own.
  13. Awww Harley, he is so sweet. I thought you wanted to ummmm, how shall I say this, Feed her to the sharks! LOL Your wife would kill you if you did. Now you have to take her camping with you? Good times.
  14. Gonna miss you. I have always thought you were a super great guy. Just one thing, You could have left your car with me. I would have taken REAL good care of it. Have fun. Next thing you'll be drivin is a Swamp Buggy. Post pic's when you get one. :chevy:
  15. There is a place across the street the sells them too. So all you lotto player can rest easy.
  16. The Peeps are all in my freezer.
  17. I would have come and helped. Remember the telephone?
  18. Oh man! that would have been so fun. but, with this bum shoulder is was out of the question. maybe next time. I need to get afew parts, I can never get the damn thing to start after it sits for a couple of weeks. I even have fuel stabilizer in it. I don't know.
  19. the results: two tears in my labrum. lots of scare tissue everywhere especially under my collar bone and general shoulder area. rotor cuff tear: He poked more holes in it to create bleeding which will help it self heal. physical therapy. what fun :wacko: it is amazing what you can do with only one arm, but you have to be creative. I'll get better so that's it in a nut shell.
  20. Someone has to have some old army crap around from their kids. Maybe the dollars store will have something
  21. They don't have enough equipment for this 007 Top Secret Mission, so wondering if anyone could help. Looking for: Little plastic Army men Tanks Jeeps Planes Just about anything army that is about peep size. I myself am looking for a usable Carb for an 82 70. :atc:
  22. I'm happy your doing well, even though I don't recall what happened to you. Glad your back, we need a good Deedle Dee. I'm with you on taking Fukitol. I use is all the time. Way better then burning someones house down. :mischevious:
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