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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. When have you ever cared
  2. I found the perfect 1st Annual 70cc Regatta smilie < < < that Pete taking pictures.
  3. Whats a cell phone? the cord on my rotary phone doesn't reach all the way to my truck.
  4. Saw that joke on Scrapjazz.com Since done is done, and we can't cull the litter, aka, euthanize them or the mom. I say make the Doctor who did this foot the bill. Fertility doctors have a code of ethics that they a suppose to follow and this doctor didn't, so he should be held responsible for the lot of them. They say that there is only a 1% chance that any of them will be "normal."
  5. That sounds really fun. let's make a plan. I'll PM you. It would be great if I could take my dogs, but they would be a pain in the rear.
  6. She is going to be on Dr. Phil today at 3:00 PT and Part 2 will be on tomorrow at 3. Wonder if the good Doctor would approve of Porn for Preventive Care or maybe Porn to Help Premies.
  7. We used to play Quarters years ago. I think that is when I decided to STOP playing drinking games.
  8. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navc...od+in+las+vegas you can also check Craigs List.
  9. OK good, good getting closer. Where is Lost Creek Trail?
  10. Where are those pic's from?
  11. How fun. I like the orange also. You're gonna have a blast in it. Another plus is that it is small enough to take out in the desert a cruise around. I want a little rail for me.
  12. That was what I was going to mention. I have some at home. I love it. Had to use on my Wave Runner after it sat at the river awhile and got a flat. There was no way I was getting the lug nuts off. Aero Krill and a cheater bar worked wonders. My ex used on Airplanes for some reason.
  13. I have never met the guy, I was just going by what cheese said in the shout box. I hope that pic becomes him and I haven't hurt his feeling.
  14. Where were you guys at. Looks like a race or something.
  15. Yeah and be the first one to go get the poor sap another and grab the video camera.
  16. What a great idea. Then post it up on You Tube. Awwwww. Won't the winner be proud of that defining moment.
  17. i really can't think of one good reason why I would pound down that much beer in the shortest amount of time possible, puke it all up (projectile style) cause that is what I would do, be trash and half sick the rest of the day. Why would anyone want to do this. :chug: :drunk2: I'll stick to my standard drink style and have a good day and night and still manage to find my way back to the MH and not fall in the camp fire.
  18. A friend of mine and neighbor (red/white and blue car) (Stars and Strips) was out there last weekend doing the Ski Diver thing and broke the bottom part of his A-arm. Ouch.
  19. Jodi, you're about to get replaced as DDR Paparazzi
  20. Sorry! Cloud got out today and wandered away. She got back home tho. Nice pic's. I can never get good ones of that like her. Thanks, gotta love a 'yot. I think they are beautiful. I wish I had a coat. FYI: thats a female and she's pregnant. It seems to be going around. I hope the best for her and her babies.
  21. Springs Preserve is fun but a little $$
  22. I ain't down wit OPP, I'm down wit OGP. yeah! you gotta get it
  23. We down with OGP Who cares, I have this thing sticking out of my mouth that people keep trying to put, ummmmm Things in, Hell I'm with you I have an eye on top of my head so I really don't GAF about OGP
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